

  • An incredible story, thanks for sharing. To see you holding up the jeans that used to fit you , I hope, will be an inspiration to others who have a big goal to achieve. Well done. At the end of the day, you have a healthy body now, and that my friend is the most important thing. Fantastic result!!!
    in My Journey Comment by 12dld1965 May 2013
  • Wow!! You should be so proud of yourself. Pat yourself on the back you deserve it! Amazing. The best part of posting pics is that everyone can see the amazing results that you have achieved. keep up the good work.
  • Wow, amazing results. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep it up and the next 50lbs will soon disappear. Well done :-)
  • Thanks G. You are not kidding. A second chance with all that life has to offer and not going to waste it! Can't wait to get back in the pool, as swimming is my choice of exercise but not just yet unfortunately. Just goes to show though and I am not advocating this, as exercise really is the key in my opinion to stay…
  • Thanks Diane, very close shave with death :-( Just cos I won't be participating doesn't mean to say that I won't be keeping an eye on you guys ha ha. Think of me as your armchair coach :-) I think this is an excellent idea well done you :-) Weigh day tomorrow for me since I started last Monday so will post my results…
  • I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said no one can make you feel inferior without giving your consent. So don't give it. They are a bunch of A/holes not worth giving the time of day to. Well done you for getting out there and making a conscious decision to get healthy and lose weight to maintain a healthy body. You my…
  • OK guys I had signed up for this too but was involved in a bad road traffic accident yesterday (I'm OK) but I am going to bail now personally. Wish everyone all the success in the world, will still continue with the food diary and dieting but may be a while until I can hit the gym or pool. Good luck everybody. I know you…