

  • What if you tried a different kind of reward? Instead of eating to reward yourself, treat yourself to something else. Clothes, shoes, facial, manicure, the movies.... Or every time you have one of these food reward cravings and don't eat, reward yourself with money in a jar. Then after the jar is full, treat yourself to a…
  • Hi All, I thought I would post my info. 1. Helplesseater (I really enjoy cooking, eating, its also my addiction of choice: happy, sad or any where in between I turn to eating.) 2. Call me Em. Everyone does. 3. 28 Female 4. My targeted weight loss goal is 133 lbs. And when I reach it I want to maintain it. Right now I'm…
  • I'm in! Lets all lose some weight!
  • Try a spinach with grilled chicken salad, with a few granny smith apple chunks and a balsamic vinegar dressing. Or have tuna salad sandwich and leave out the bread. Also, fish and veggies are great sources of nutrients and protein and low in carbs. Also, I often like to finish my days with just a protein shake and I had…