

  • seriously..i read this last night and spent most of the night worrying I am STILL doing everything wrong to get healthy. as others of you pointed out here my fat disorder has a disorder and worrying about it is apparently a disorder;) xo
  • I love your husband. I hate Sports Authority on your behalf!! I was completely ignored at Sportcheck - their loss, i was going to buy a polar ft 60 hehe. So for some reason the store you did like is showing up for me as ***s sports....can you spell it out for me? Thanks and good for you!
  • I was 70lbs overweight when my GP begged me to quit smoking instead of focusing on losing I did. I'm now 100lbs overweight lol! I still crave them fairly often, but am really, really enjoying not stinking up my car, bringing the smell into the house, upsetting my family (my husband never smoked and my daughter…
  • i would love an invite please!
  • thank you so much for taking the time to help me out!
  • Thanks..i think. I used to think I was a pretty smart person until I tried to figure this out!! Alright so until my workouts increase in times per week OR my weight changes I'll keep to the EAT 1928 calories per day. That's correct, right? :)
  • THANK YOU THANK YOU!! So glad I asked!! So I changed my food goal to be 1928 per day. And if I'm reading things right, if I work out more than I planned to (yay me!) I would make sure to eat the 1928 PLUS any calories I burned that would bring me under my BMR ..Right? So.. I eat 1928 calories I burned 400 calories in a day…
  • you are doing great! I'd love to have you as an MFP pal! I'm also 43,and am just (re) starting out with 100lbs to lose :( Would love to offer and receive encouragement, meal ideas, and honestly, i love a kick in the @ss when needed! Add me up if you like!