The only way to lose moobs is to reduce body fat even further. I have been battling with this problem for the last 5 years. :(
Thanks a lot!
Yum (especially with bacon) Pulled pork sandwich
Thanks everyone! Really appreciate all of your kind words! My routine is very focused on squats, hence the hypertrophy in the glutes and legs. :)
I should also add that my diet was pretty hectic, and that if I ate clean during that period I would probably see better results...
Under my arm pits... :(
Some good bench programs that worked for me: 1) Smolov Jr. Bench routine 2) Ed Coan Bench routine
Had a good day on Monday. It was a triples day so I worked up to this: Bench - 335 x 3 Squat - 425 x 3 My deadlift sucks though... I HATE deadlifting.
I actually gained weight, but I do think I look leaner...
Thanks again everyone! I knew I can count on MFP for support! :)
Awesome job! Congrats!
Thanks everyone for all the support and your kind words! :)
Thanks! I lost about 4 inches of my waist. I never really worry about the weight anyway, so long as I'm getting leaner. Scales only show half the truth.
Thanks everyone!
Here it is!
Sorry, working on the pic...