

  • The first time I got in the truck was over 15 years ago. It is very scary at first, but after riding along a few times you get used to the height. The car seems little when you get back into it. Driving is not much worse than driving a car, you just have a different vantage point. Backing is a learned skill that takes time…
  • You can also do squats. I do them sometimes, facing front while holding onto the bunk behind me. I do crunches on the bunk modified push ups with my feet by the shifter & my hands on the bunk. I use the step to do stretches. When climbing in or out, put your toes on the edge of the step and let your weight rest on them,…
  • My husband & I team drive. We have a freezer that is made for trucks in the truck on the top bunk. We also have a mini fridge & a microwave. We keep bottled water in the truck at all times. We use the Adkins shakes for part of our meals. Walmart has milks that don't need refrigerated on the drink aisle. I recommend almond…
  • I am a trucker's wife. I now team drive with my husband. I was a SAHM for years. Our daughter is grown now. I looked through all of the groups and there are no groups for truckers or truckers wives. I may make one at some point, but need to get the hang of things first. Feel free to add me or whatever. I'm new to MFP. I…
  • I'm the other half of MandMAbraham. I was a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) for many years. Our daughter is grown now and I am on the road with my Hubby. We mostly use the smart phone app, but get on here occasionally.