jsymo Member


  • I only listen to high pace songs, like pop or hip hop and I find that I tend to keep in step with the song pretty well. Thats how I keep my pace up when I work out.
  • Christmas time and cold weather is a great time for spiced chai tea. It's my favorite. They come in all sorts of flavors but anything spiced chai this time of year would make a great present!
  • I did the exat same thing earlier this year. I lost fifteen almost twenty pounds before my senior prom and I was looking great! So I decided to stop the mfp thing too. Then I started college in august, and in september was my sister's wedding (ouch) needless to say I didn't look all that great, and I actually spiked up…
  • I love to ride on the stationary bike in the winter months and when it's nasty out. I also love riding it with my sister when she goes for a run (i'm no runner) if i don't go to the gym then I like to stay home and ride on the bike for a while. It depends on the night I guess. I'm in high school, so I work out during the…
  • so, when you're done making these, if sean doesn't die, can i try some? "i mean it IS valentine's day". lol