

  • Thank you so much Rayvynn! I was worried that no one was going to respond at all! I appreciate the encouragement. :) You are my hero if you run at all..whether you run well or not! I admire runners! No, it's not on the list of exercises I'm considering (I only run if something scary is chasing me!) but I do enjoy dance…
  • That's great! I'm so used to being on facebook that I immediately looked for a "like" button after I read your post! LOL! Very true. I actually may steal this quote for my on facebook page. Thanks :)
  • That's a horrible thing for the sales girl to say to you! Let me just say this; my best friend is a size 16...and she is THE most gorgeous, sexy lady I have ever met! Being larger than the ladies in the magazines doesn't make you un-sexy. If you are taking care of your health, and eating and exercising responsibly, then…
  • Yeh, it's definitely unfortunate! Well, thank you for the advice :) Situps will help, and I haven't even thought about stretching as a way to burn, but that's a good idea. You know, that could be why I injured my ankle to begin with. I haven't been stretching before or after exercising. Perhaps I should start! Thanks again!
  • Hey! Welcome to the site! I just joined a few days ago myself and I LOVE it! Its the best fitness related site Ive ever encountered, and its FREE! Keep up the good work! Its encouraging to hear other people's successes!
  • Wow Jac! You've been through a LOT! If you could handle ALL OF THAT, then you can do this too! More power to you dear! You've absolutely got this!!!
  • Hey! I love my Shape-Ups! I'm a nurse, so I wear them at work. I have noticed that my back feels better on the days I wear my shape-ups! As for's hard to say because I've always had toned legs due to taking and teaching ballet for so long. But I think they are a great shoe for support and comfort. About the…
  • :smile: AMEN! WOOT! Congrats! Keep up the good work! :smile: