Looking forward to better things!

I haven't used MFP since last September! During these past several months I have endured many trying moments. My husband and I have been trying for so long to have a baby, and we finally tried IUI last winter, and then most recently IVF. The IVF drugs do cause weight gain, and I have gained about 15 pounds in the past two months. It was worth it though because we discovered that I did become pregnant. Our joy was short lived though. Last week I miscarried at 8 weeks. I had a D&C a few days ago, and I am now just REALLY wanting to do something to bring some sense of normalcy back to my life. I would really like to focus on my health now, and just feeling better about my body since I've been struggling with it so much. I have endometriosis, and have had four surgeries and several hospitalizations in an effort to maintain some level of fertility. It seems like my body is always at odds with me. Now I'm really hoping to do something great with this body, instead of just focusing on the things that go wrong with it. I know we all have our own struggles, but I'd greatly appreciate any encouragement from other MFPers during this time. I promise to do the same for you! Thanks :)


  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi Ashley! I am sorry for the loss you and your husband have endured. It seems you have a good goal in mind. Take time to recover yourself while doing something good for yourself! What kind of workouts are you considering? I took the cheap way out and walk the dogs every morning and run at night several times a week. I'm not really that good at it however I am seeing results.
    Welcome back!!!!
  • Thank you so much Rayvynn! I was worried that no one was going to respond at all! I appreciate the encouragement. :)

    You are my hero if you run at all..whether you run well or not! I admire runners! No, it's not on the list of exercises I'm considering (I only run if something scary is chasing me!) but I do enjoy dance style workouts. No zumba please though! I have several dvds on my shelf that have been gathering dust for the past 9 or so months, so I plan on beginning those as soon as my doctor releases me to exercise, which should be sometime this week, or next at the latest. But I may borrow your dog walking trick! My pug and Shorkie would just love that rather than being turned out in the back yard! :)
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    The dogs love the walks! It wears them out since they are smelling all the new smells and using their brains to enjoy the walk as well! It doesn't burn alot of calories but it does a lot to clear the brain.