AllyQM Member


  • Today is shaping up to be a BAD day. For some reason I am craving seasoned ground beef like crazy. Have had half a burrito and half a sloppy joe already. Yikes.
  • What's your goal and how much more do you have to lose?
  • I've started picturing huge fat rolls dripping off me. I look at the chocolate ice cream and then I picture rolls of fat dripping off my knees, from under my arms and imagine not being able to walk without my thighs rubbing together. Visualizing the EFFECTS of that gorge out.
  • Welcome. I totally lack motivation and am feeling old so it's nice to have some other folks in the same boat.
  • LOL... well welcome to the Fab by 40 board. I am turning my garage into a home gym because I live too far out in the sticks to make it in regularly to the gym. I have bought zumba DVDs, yoga, P90x, and every piece of equipment known to man. I WILL be in shape or die trying.