

  • Go to Whole Foods (or anywhere that sells grains in bulk) and buy a 1/2 scoop of millet, 1/2 scoop amaranth, 1/2 scoop buckwheat groats, 1 scoop quinoa, 2 scoops steel cut oats, and 1/4 scoop chia seeds. Mix together in large container. Cook 1/2 cup in 2 cups water for about ten minutes. Let stand a minute or two (can do…
  • Skim latte, one Splenda, one raw sugar
  • Or, the night before, bring the steel cut oats to a boil for 2-3 minutes, then cut stove off, and cover. The oats will be ready the next morning. Just heat them back up. A lot easier!
  • You can do it, girl!! You are beautiful!! Weight is a number, not an identity. Keep moving, keep counting, and understand there will be setbacks. You will eventually settle on the weight you are supposed to be.
  • Probably a year or so
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