

  • I would not worry about the sugar also as other posters have mentioned. Sugar will not turn to fat when you are at a calorie deficit. Also try to prepare your own meals, prepackaged food has more sugar and sodium. Add more fresh vegetables. This is probably the hardest thing for me...
  • These are suppose to be inside thoughts. I understand OP.
  • Welcome to the alone club of eating healthy! I have to fight with my spouse sometimes to eat healthy, that's life. We are all raised to eat to be happy, eat to socialize, eat to celebrate, etc. Its how we are programmed through life. If its important to you stand up for yourself. Most people will never understand. You can…
  • Like the other poster says without your diary there is not much we can advise you on. However, if you can't keep your sugars low, you are not eating healthy. At first I wanted to post this: Also, if you gained all your weight back in three days, you are not being honest in tracking your calories. But then I re-read your…
  • P90x is an awesome program that has the workouts and diet plan in a nice package. It can't be beat. Just finishing p90x2.
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