

  • The eliptical is WONDERFUl. you need to start off on a low level until your used to it. I like level 5 and i do it for 45 mins. 550 calories burned. ITS LOVELY!
  • yeah i know exactly what your feeling. I used to say that i had reversed anorexia. I didn't see myself as big as i actually WAS and it has come to me recently in mirrors. it used to come to me JUST in photographs.... but NOW i see it daily in the mirror and I am just so done! SO done! day 2 for me. will weigh in 6 days to…
  • April 20 here. SO i am a cusp baby. aries/taurus. I have traits of both but mostly aries! my son is june 5th and is a total GEMINI as well. I just can eat him up though. one minute he is happy! then angry! Kind of split personality if you will! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
  • thanks guys. I am one that you would call a professional dieter. woke UP today with a new insight on things. really, this isn't that hard. cut calories, exercise and you will lose weight. why do i make it SO difficult??????????????????? jeeeeesh talk to me on day 4 when i wanna rip my own arm off to eat. HAHAHA thanks for…
  • I am so excited I found this website while surfing the net when I should be working! HAHAHAH I woke up this morning with all healthy foods in my fridge, did ONE hour of aerobics and have been logging on here for a couple hours navigating and seeing EXACLY how much I actually eat in a day. WOW I hope to meet some good folks…