AliStar Member


  • I want in! I'll need to check some of the measurements, but I know the waist is 30-40. Weight is between 135-140. Weight goal is 125. I think I'll be using Shape app "little black dress." Most likely, I'll mix it up a lot.
  • This is what I do. Maybe it will be some help. I track everything, especially on the weekend. If we're drinking, I put the bottle caps or can tabs in my pocket. Even if I'm too drunk to know what I'm eating or drinking at the time, there is evidence to enter in the morning. I made an excel document to enter the amount of…
    in Help! :( Comment by AliStar May 2010
  • I don't see how you would burn more on your back. On top you can work yourself into wonderful sweaty exhaustion.
  • Sit and Be Fit on PBS!
  • I play around with WiiFit, WiiSports, WiiSports Resort, and EA Active. Is the WiiFit's new features worth a buy??? Also, I played ping pong, then tennis until my shoulders ache!
  • Beer is the number one reason I've put on extra pounds, but I love it!!! I try to save up extra calories each day, add them up, and "spend" them on beer for the week end. If you slam 3 MGD 64's in about 15 minutes you actually can get a good buzz ; ) The lowest cal drunk I've found and like is Vodka and soda. I like…
  • I like to pretend like its in Weight Watchers and "save points"(calories) each week for the night I can't help myself or want to go out. I just keep adding them up. Last weekend I added up the calories I'd consumed compared to a week's worth of my goal (8400) and had 450 left over, so I treated myself to some MGD 64's!