irasgirl Member


  • Hi everyone, joining for the first time, hope that is OK? Not really certain how to do this, just coming back to MFP after a long delay. Just for Today:* Work Out * LOG all food * Drink enough water * Finish Report today * Make grocery list Thanks everyone!!
  • Hi OP, Unfortunately, weight gain in this country comes with an enormous amount of guilt and victim blaming. It is difficult to 'diet' without feeling as if you have let yourself down by gaining weight. Removing the emotional component to dieting, takes away so much of the self recriminations, but it is very difficult. In…
  • 230137isntmyweight do you find that you are losing weight this way. I am really short- 5 foot even and I am always worried about eating the wrong calorie content due to my size.
  • Hello everyone I have been enjoying my vacation so I am afraid I was not able to log on for a few days. Jane...down 3.5!!!!! Yeah..great work!! Ladies it is wonderful to see so many women encouraging one another!!! Ok so I was doing a great job of combining my vacation and diet UNTIL LAST NIGHT!!!! I blame my DH for…
  • Hello everyone...I hope you are all safe and warm today!! Rori and Cynthia Congratulations on the weight is wonderful! Jane count me in for any Denver get togethers...I am there!!!! Katia thanks so much for the great advice...I will be searching Amazon today! Patacakes, hang in there is always…
  • Hello everyone Kathy over 50 member from Colorado Foothills...Hi Rori we are probably neighbors! I am new to posting but hell...nothing else has worked! LOL My Story in a nutshell: I am trying to lose weight I have lost and gained over and over again for the last 30 years...with all the practice you think I…
  • OK....first of all YOU LOST 80 LBS.....that is a cause for celebration....the 6 lb you recently gained are trivial !! Believe me anyone who loses the amount of weight you did WILL see fluctuations of their goal weight NOW take a deep breath, remember you are a tough, smart woman who has hit a rough patch. This is a…
  • My are a wonderful sister! So give yourself a break...that is the first order of business. The next step might be to look around the web and try to find online support groups for caregivers of adults with emotional and cognitive disorders. In terms of therapy, I could not recommend a better solution for you and…
  • You rock Princess!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi Voodoo Lady; I know what you are going through...I am 51years old but apparently my knees are 85! Getting into a work out program and then having to stop due to an injury is one of the most frustrating situations... but lets face it exercise not only helps with weight loss it can change the way our bodies look So...…
  • Hi everyone, this is my first post so HELLO. Anyone interested in daily check in to help each other avoid binging? I too had a "full" holiday weekend but I want to try for a binge-free December Who wants in???? I pledge to help anyone trying to avoid a binge but lets take it day by day! I will go first: I will NOT binge…