margelizard Member


  • Scotland here (Edinburgh - City of Awesome!) :)
  • I've spent the last few months cycle commuting to and from work, which is a 34 mile round trip. It's so satisfying to arrive at work after doing it, so good on you for persevering! As for stuff, I usually manage to fit everything I need into a backpack. My top tips: - Ditch anything you don't need on a daily basis! I don't…
  • - That you will spend your life eating without feeling as guilty about it as you did before (because the food's healthier!) - That even when you lose weight and see yourself in pictures and think "wow, I've come so far", there's always something else you could be doing - That incorporating exercise into your day will…
  • I have a 45 min bus commute each way, which isn't terrible, but I spend almost my entire day sitting! I get up to go to bathroom and kitchen more often than necessary, and walk to talk to my colleagues in another office instead of using the phone. I usually get off the bus 2 miles from my house and walk/jog home. Sometimes…
  • Follow_me: 57, married, architect I feel really good about this one!!
  • Centre Coordinator for an education company. Mostly a desk job, but kinda interesting :)
  • I ate everything I wanted over the festive season and didn't really count anything. Despite my terrifying lack of control, I gained 1 lb over the entire month. So have a think about why you felt this happened, think about ways to prevent it in future, but don't make yourself feel bad about it. Life isn't all about counting…
  • Yeah popcorn is good. Or you could bake your own sweet potato chips! I like rice cakes with peanut butter or nutella as a little treat. A handful of nuts (hehe) or pretzels maybe?
  • I'm in Scotland! Been bouncing around the same 5 lbs for the last year after losing my enthusiasm a bit but looking to get back to it! :)
  • 30g Cheerios and 100ml of semi-skimmed milk If I'm out of milk, 30g Cheerios and an apple. Always a cup of tea once I get to work :)
  • For lunch I practically eat PB&J every day. Though I tend to stick more to crispbread/cracker type things instead of bread. Sometimes I sub out the jelly for slices of fresh banana. Fruit is a good one. I do make large batches of soup and chilli and dish it into individual containers as soon as it's finished cooking. That…
  • Being able to bend over to tie my shoelaces without struggling to breathe and a huge reduction in my level of depression :)
  • I like to make a pot of something then immediately portion it into all my dishes. So, say I make a pot of soup, I'll usually dish my hubby and I's portion, then distribute the rest into different containers. Then I just make a note of the number of servings that way. I suppose it's not quite so exact, but it works well for…
  • My landlady (whose house I'm living in for the next 6 months) asked me the other day why I eat cheese. Well, here it is. I eat cheese because I like cheese. But you know what, I weigh every piece of cheese I eat. It still irks me, even though it was weeks ago!
  • I eat 1200 on a non-exercise day, but generally I'm in the 1500 range since I workout most days. I eat every 2-3 hours, but smaller portions which I think helps a lot with keeping the calorie intake on track, but also not getting really hungry. It's really never been a problem, and the main reason I was overweight was…
  • My understanding is that, generally, for me to maintain my current weight I would need to eat 1,500 calories per day. However, myfitnesspal has my calorie intake set at 1,200 calories, because I want to lose weight. In order to burn 1lb of fat, it takes around 3,500 calories (this is a hot debate, but I'm using it to…
  • I'm 5 ft 1 and started at a nice, round 200 lbs. I'm currently at 150, but am aiming to get to 130 as my eventual goal. That's the high end of normal BMI for my height. I'm not against going down after 130, but it really depends on how I feel and if I think it's really necessary. So long as I'm in good shape, happy and…
  • I love being married! My hubby and I have been together for 7 1/2 years and will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary in June. We survived being apart for six months while he was in the US and I was in the UK, we survived an overseas move, we survived both losing our jobs one after another and now we are just about to be…
  • Totally agree on the cocoa roasted emerald almonds, they are like nut crack! I really must work on a new descriptor for them....
  • Alright! This seems like it could be fun :) SW: 149 lbs CW: 149 lbs GW: 144 lbs Weigh in Dates: 4/01 Tue: 149 lbs 4/05 Sat: 4/12 Sat: 4/19 Sat: 4/26 Sat: 4/30 Wed: Total weight lost:
  • Oh man yeah! I always lose off my butt and legs first. I've lost 51 lbs so far and I am only just seeing changes in the areas I want to lose on (belly, arms and boobs)
  • There's no reason why you couldn't get there! People can tell you what they want to believe, but if you're determined and work hard then you will reach your goal. Just keep plugging away and proving people wrong :)
  • My attitude toward myself is definitely most of what holds me back. I have a lot of self doubt. I am very hard on myself and set standards that are ridiculously high then berate myself when I don't reach them. Then I self doubt more. Although I beat myself up, I am making crazy good progress. My weight loss is slowing…
  • I generally find spreading a decent array of food during the day works well to keep me balanced and sane. Generally my day goes something like: 7am: Bran flakes and milk (200 cals) 10.30am: Banana (110 cals) Noon: Soup or salad (300 cals) 3.30pm: 1/4 cup almonds (160 cals) 7pm: Various dinners of approx 300-400 cals (black…
  • I don't know if it helps, but I am in a similar situation where I get a lot further on the elliptical doing the C25k program than I do with running. Currently I can do: 3 miles on elliptical in 30 minutes (6 MPH) OR 1.8 miles jogging/running outdoors in 23 minutes (4.7 MPH) Either way, the exercise feels awesome so good on…
  • Mostly just goodwill stores. The ones in bad condition went in the trash. My friend who is also losing weight passed hers down to me as she lost weight, which really helped me out!
  • Weird reasons I guess, but I really want to impress my family when I move back to the UK. I've lost 51 lbs since I last saw my folks and I haven't weighed 149 lbs since I was 11 years old. Also, I want to be strong and fit enough to fight people. In some kind of structured way, not just brawling in a bar lol.
  • Eggs! I love eggs in every way and they can be awesome for a really quick dinner. Canned beans, especially black beans. My hubby makes amazing black bean tacos which are really satisfying but not ridiculously high calorie Whole roast chickens. I love em!! I usually strip the meat from the chicken and freeze it, then break…
  • Yeah that's a pretty weird way to go about things. Nothing like a creepy family moment to bring you all together :p As a kid, I remember my aunt always telling me I was overweight and getting on me about going on a diet (I'm talking from age 10+ here). My mum used to just say it was puppy fat, so I just ignored my aunt's…