

  • you go girl .. so happy for you.. I will be right behind you. I have 20 more to go.
  • Not offensive at all. It's good that you ask that. but I agree with you. I'm in the mood more too. It's a good thing to feel better about yourself. when you eat well and exercise, then your whole body begins to feel better.. Good for you chickie..
  • Great to have you here!!!! I'm also looking to be in my best shape by 50 also. Please add me . I just joined yesterday.. and loving it already, keep up the positive attitude, You are skinny inside, just bring it out chickie, glad your here
  • Thank you carrot stick, I'm really excited to be here. Alot of good tools to use in here. I have lost 10 lbs already this month. really working hard at this. Looks like you are too. Keep it up.. thank you for posting to me.. Have a good one.
    in new one Comment by swillfae January 2011