rcadogs Member


  • This is happening to me recently. At one point, I was around 125 pounds. Then after my family and I moved from South Carolina to Pennsylvania, I gained weight back! Now I weigh around 130-132 pounds! I don’t know why it’s happening! I try to eat as healthy as possible. If I know I need to eat more of something, I try my…
  • My weight's been going up and down for several weeks. My highest weight since loosing over 20 pounds from being 148 is 126, the lightest I've been is 121. It's just so frustrating! I exercise, I watch my calories and it still happens! Sometimes I think that something is wrong with me!
  • JESSICASMITHTV is number one for me! But I also like FitnessBlender and some of BeFit's videos featuring Denise Austin and other dance based workouts.
  • I gained two pounds today and it is getting closer to the time of the month for me. It's always frustrating when this happens, I gain 1-2 pounds before my period! I hope this is water retention.
  • My left knee has been doing this for a few days now, I can feel cartilage or possibly ligaments or tendons moving around pooping in and out of place, but there's no serious pain or swelling to speak of. I'm planning on modifying my workouts by doing pilates every other day. Should I be worried or just be extra careful?
  • I think I'll try changing my habits, maybe try meditation and yoga about thirty minutes to an hour before I go to bed, not having very bright light on before bed and having the window curtains open during the day. I don't want to be dependent on melatonin or Benadryl in order to get sleep, believe me, that's the last thing…
  • I did take a 5mg dose of melatonin a coupl nights ago, but it wasn't as effective as I thought it would be. Maybe it was the dosage. Also, I've been without a job for about a year even after I graduated from college and I passed the veterinary technician boards exam and the state licensing board exam, still nothing. I keep…
  • I have the same problem. I'm at least 10-20 pounds over weight for my height: 5'4" and currently 147 lbs. I noticed a slight change in how much fat there is around my hips. Slowly, but surely the fat is getting less and less.
  • I see a little bit of a difference with my body. The fat on my hips is slowly getting smaller judging by how much there is by touch and the fat on my stomach seems to be disappearing little by little, but some days that shows, some days it doesn't. I feel like my body itself is slowly changing, but the weight on the scale…
  • The main problem is finding time to buy whole foods because my family is pretty busy with work. But I am looking for healthy recipes myself and my family would like. Are any prepackaged foods considered healthy including Healthy Choice or even Nutrisystem? Any ideas on how to fit in time to make healthy recipes?
  • One of the things I decided to give up completely was Hot Pockets because of so much sodium in two pockets! I try to avoid any foods that's over 1,000 grams of sodium, I don't want to go over my daily sodium intake.
  • I'm a little on a roller coaster with my weight, the heaviest I've been is 149 and the lightest I've been since starting is 146. It's been 3 months since I've started and no real progress! Is it because of water weight, too much sodium or carbs or because the "time of the month" is coming? I don't know what else to do. I'm…
  • I hate to sound like a whiner, but I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster, I lose a couple pounds then I gain them all back! Now I'm adding on weight-lifting and resistance training as exercise on top of cardio dancing and I'm starting to keep track of how much carbs and sodium I consume, but no real progress. Any additional…
  • I've been buying products like Healthy Choice and Bird's Eye steam packets with vegetables in them and I get fruit every once in a while like apples, I know that doesn't sound good. As someone said earlier here about PMS, I do tend to eat more when the time of the month gets closer and I sometimes eat unhealthy foods,…
  • I've been at this for almost a month and my MFP calorie intake is 1,410 daily. I'm 5'4" and I now weigh 148.4 pounds. I do cardio dance as exercise 3 to 4 times a week, the length of exercise changes every now and then. Now I'm facing the same problem again, I lose a pound and then gain it back!
  • I've tried to lose weight, but I end up gaining another pound or two. I've only been on this program for a week, but I'm not seeing any results. I know I need to cut down on some stuff and count calories, but does anybody have any advice for losing weight and keeping it off?
  • I'm 23 and I've got 20 pounds to lose, but when I try to lose the weight, I end up gaining a pound or two! I do cardio dance every other day and trying to eat healthier, but no results. Does anyone else have this problem? Got any advice on losing the weight while at the same time trying to meet the daily calorie intake?