

  • Casein protein powder helps me. Its typically sweet; in flavors like french vanilla, chocolate, and cookies & creme. Its the same concepts as the cottage cheese tip that was suggested; its a slow digesting protein and will be sustained release while you sleep. Additionally, to the source of protein, it is super filling!…
  • Haha thank you! :)
  • There's absolutely nothing wrong with frozen. They are picked when ripest. This is really inspiring. Thanks so much for posting :) lol I can understand needing new clothes ! Haha you go!
  • Not sure if I have one around here. Wish I did tho. I just shop at food lion & Harris teeter
  • I figured gym shoes are a given... Although I actually exercise in my work shoes (some sketchers) can't afford some nice ones right now. And no I did not mention grass fed, organic, or even almond milk. Although I do splurge on some organic and almond milk. "Poor girls can't preform miracles, so for the time being we…
  • Thanks! I really didn't put enough emphasis on the importance of the quality of food over the cheaper quantity. i tried talking about how giving up certain things to buy these other types of foods, are in order.. And Costco is pretty darn awesome. I buy organic on some occasion but otherwise I soak my vegs and fruit in…
  • Well I could've implied it more but I tried to say how you need to stop buying certain things in order to by the higher quality foods. Thanks for sharing, you make a good point
  • It's defiantly not easy, but its inspiring to hear how someone can do it and be successful. But of course no one is perfect and we don't have to be. Thanks for sharing!
  • There's a lot on here I didn't mention, but I agree with and find helpful. Thanks for sharing
  • I didn't put a lot of these done that why I wanted a thread start to get everyone's input on a "poor girls" healthy lifestyle. These are good point thank you
  • Maybe you don't need to eat fresh foods as much as I needed to improve my health. I big point that I was trying to make was that it was possible for a poor girl to get fit. It wasn't nor is it always going to be easy. Fresh produce is a bit more expensive so I go to frozen or canned when I get the chance. And if I see that…
  • Having a garden and an excess to a farmers market helps with the expense of fresh produce.
  • Add me (:
  • I recently went on chipotles website and they are very detail in their ingredient list. Which I can really appreciate, they have brown rice and good local meat ( I think I remember correctly) and fresh vegs
  • I'm always higher on my sugar, but that sugar is coming from mostly fruits vs. chocolate cake and flavored yoplait. If its too much of a prob for you maybe just drink half coconut water and half reg water. I do that bc of the fact that it is expensive and it saves me half the amt of cal
  • I've kinda stopped investing $$ extra money that I'd spend on shoes, clothes etc and focused it onto quality foods (fresh foods etc) and since I put time Ian's money into these foods, I am NOT letting them go to waste. I say no to eating out more often now. So it's a win win for me
  • This is right down my alley. But it wasn't at all about 2 months ago.. trust me it does NOT happen over night **SO THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL ADVICE FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCES Start out with fruits and vegs that you really already like. Things will seem prob boring at first (and super hard) so I'd give myself a cheat day (to…
  • Welcome back!! :) good luck!!!
  • I like So Delicious Coconut Milk ice cream. Choc mint & Choc Mocha... But truly my favorite treat is a blended frozen banana with a bit of almond milk, topped with chopped pecans & shredded coconut.... Now that is something I could indulge in errrryday.
  • Wow I was just about to share how I made a raspberry vinaigrette with it! Yeah it's delicious and its great knowing there's something there to benefit from. Was about to take a tbs of ACV in lemon water w/ honey. But I've fallen a bit of that wagon. I think I might start up again regularly
  • Now that I think about it, I think I'd did have some tummy issues at first. I think mainly don't change your diet TOO quick or TOO dramatically. Maybe the body needs time to adjust. I'm having good um er.. movement now, hope my personal experience with that helps
  • I've made a tuna salad with Greek yogurt. Chopped carrots, celery, sliced grapes some mustard seasonings done & good
  • http://www.modernghana.com/lifestyle/4579/16/foods-that-increase-breast-size.html ^its an interesting graphic on which foods/herbs have more estrogen which has to do with our breast. But I could tell you if this is absolutely proven. But what I try to do is chest exercises, it won't increase size by much but there's a nice…
  • Ps... Diet drinks are usually addictive bc of the aspartame and/or Splenda. Yeah there's no calories... But why drink/eat something that won't benefit you?
  • Make your own flavored water. I stick lemon, orange and mint in purified water and stick it in the fridge. The taste is different but then you started loving it! AND you get a true health kick in your drink! And if you want tea... Make it yourself! Buy package tea, make sure to check ingredients , brew a big pot. Add honey…
  • Are you gaining muscle? It's heavier than fat by the pound. It's confusing to why your gaining weight if you've been doing everything the same. But from what I can see in your diary, you could definitely incorporate more fruits and vegtables. I started getting a good dose of them in green smoothies. At first just as a…
  • Well late night snacking isn't always the best idea, I think it's great that you want to try to solve this dilemma. Our metabolism is slowed down in the evening.. And at least for me I'm always in the mood for something sweet. Last night for example, I brewed some herbal tea (non caffeine) and going through that process of…