VickiLouise25 Member


  • Hi, I am just about to start week 8 of the guide. My advice would be... recruit a friend to do it with you so you both HAVE to do it! That is what has worked for me :) There are days I realllllly can't be bothered so my friend texting to say 5pm lets go! really helps me do it and the other way round too! We haven't missed…
  • Feel free to add me too. I am just starting week 7 of Kayla's guides :)
  • Hi, I have been doing it with a friend and we are about to start week7. We both feel much better and physcially much fitter from doing it although we haven't seen any drastic changes. Both are following a healthy and calorie controlled diet and are hoping to see some amazing changes in the next 5 weeks since the workouts…
  • Thank you for your reply. I feel great which is why I have stuck to it. I get plenty sleep and feel like I eat loads in a day. I started with intense classes at the beginning of November then after new year cut down the classes and added in the resistance circuits
  • I'm in too :) this is my first challenge Start weight- 1/2- 141 8/2 15/2 22/2 Goal weight- 29/2- 136