Kayla Itsines BBG

Hello all,
I'm tempted to try Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, but I don't want to spend the money unless I know I'm going to stick with it. Any suggestions? What are some of your experiences with the guide?


  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
  • Hey! I actually just finished week 1 of the guides. I found them online for free with a torrent if you don't want to spend the money. It's been good so far but I'm usually not good at sticking to this kind of thing.
  • VickiLouise25
    VickiLouise25 Posts: 8 Member

    I am just about to start week 8 of the guide. My advice would be... recruit a friend to do it with you so you both HAVE to do it! That is what has worked for me :) There are days I realllllly can't be bothered so my friend texting to say 5pm lets go! really helps me do it and the other way round too! We haven't missed a workout yet

  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    Is she the one advocating like 600 calorie days?
  • xrachel2014
    xrachel2014 Posts: 18 Member
    Lissa_Kaye wrote: »
    Is she the one advocating like 600 calorie days?

    it's a 12 week (although she has a 24 week plan aswell) guide for different execises
    On average, lasting 28mins 3-4 x week
    There is a nutrition guide along side it which is balanced meals and advice

    Her instagram shows real success, more about building strength and toning up. The workouts are TOUGH!!!
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    I've done it and it was good - but SERIOUSLY hard work. I keep restarting it but it makes me feel sick and dizzy, so been going to the gym as an alternative for the time being!
  • abb117
    abb117 Posts: 81 Member
    I just finished week 4, and I honestly love it! I didn't do the nutrition plan, just been eating healthy on my own. The actual work out book is amazing! I took a progress picture yesterday and in less than one month the results are incredible. I also use the transformation pictures on her Instagram as motivation as well. I would recommend this to anyone!!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I get her on instagram too..I am interested to know how her routine is different to a weights/ aerobic plan at the local gym. The before and afters make me very curious.
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    edited February 2015
    @kbarron15‌ Let me know how it goes and if you stick to it!
    @VickiLouise25‌ That sounds great! I did finally get it and I got a friend to join me! We've been pretty go about getting to the gym so now hopefully we can motivate each other to stick to the plan and eat healthier.
    @Lissa_Kaye‌ 600 calories is so unhealthy and I wouldn't even consider trying a program asking someone to do that.
    @katiejanecollins‌ I've been doing a lot of gym work and plyometrics so I think I'm pretty prepared to start. Hopefully I'm right and my friend can keep up!
    @abb117‌ That's great! I've seen a bunch of the progress photos and it really made me want to try it. Good luck on finishing your next 8 weeks!
    @Kymmu‌ After looking at the program there's not a ton (if any) weight lifting so I'm supplementing the plan with a day of lifting. Aerobics are typically a bit less intense I do believe. Her workouts seem to look a little bit more plyometric in nature. She also includes cardio into her program. The before and after made me curious and a bit skeptical to be honest. That's kind of the reason why I decided to try it on my own.

    Thank you all for your input!
  • I'm on week 3 of the pre-training circuits and they are tough!! I haven't followed her eating guide to a t but picked bits out of it. Already noticing a difference though. It's tough with time sometimes but I am determined to keep it up. I'm interested to know if you girls that don't follow the eating plan do you go by calorie intake or just try n eat sensibly? I've never dieted before but would rather do it slow n sustainable but hoping what I am doing will be ok
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    I'm on week 3 at the minute and I'm loving it so far! I put my progress pictures side by side today and I can't believe the difference already. Anyone doing the guide or considering it feel free to add me :)
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    @candyshopgirl‌ That's great! I don't really plan on following her nutrition plan. I'm kind of a picky eater so if I made all the substations than it wouldn't even be the same things. I may use it for ideas though. I'm just trying to eat healthier in a way that I can.

    @noaddedsugarx‌ I can't wait to start seeing results!
  • Ctmish78
    Ctmish78 Posts: 7 Member
    The results look insane!! I may start this soon
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    @Ctmish78‌ it definitely doesn't hurt to try it out!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have posted a lot of her exercises I found on pinterest. So far I'm enjoying my ballet barre, but if I feel like it they are there and waiting for me. The before and afters inspire me to keep moving!!
  • Ctmish78
    Ctmish78 Posts: 7 Member
    @kbarron15‌ how do you use a torrent? Do you have a link to this?
  • lycheenmango
    lycheenmango Posts: 112 Member
    @aeblyden‌ - How is the BBG treating you? I am thinking of starting April 1st week and looking for input from folks who have already tried it :)
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    @lycheenmango‌ So far I love it! It's kicked my butt more than I expected it to. I'm in week 3 and I can definitely see progress. I would suggest taking measurements because I can visibly seen the differences and I plan on getting something soon!
    Are you going to just do the workout guide or are you using the nutrition guide as well?
  • KatieLK14
    KatieLK14 Posts: 90 Member
    I am currently in week one of this! My friend gave me the guide for free- I'm excited to keep going. The workouts are somewhat difficult so far, but do-able. I'm kind of incorporating them into my gym schedule that I have already established.
    My friend showed me her before and after pictures and she has shown substantial results.
    I am not following the nutrition guide, and neither did my friend.
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    @enmouvement‌ That's great! I kinda did the same with incorporating it into my gym schedule. The before and after results are what really got me on board.
    Good luck!