

  • Hello! I used to go to uni in Plymouth :) Good luck with it all, recording daily really helps put foods into perspective! I haven't eaten cheese in almost a week which is insane for me!
  • 2700 Seems like a lot... But if you lost 2lbs on target than stick with it for a while and see how you feel? If you do feel like you're under eating then up it a bit, just remember that all these BMI and BMR calculators are not targeted to the individual, everyone has different metabolism rates and different thresholds!
  • I'm pretty sure what I described as lifting your legs up and down slowly are reverse crunches... It's worth noting that that can be made easier by holding on to something? I usually just hook my hands under the sofa or something, but if you do do this then make sure not to just use your arm muscles or you won't feel or see…
  • Yes lying on your back and lifting both your legs up to a 90 degree angle and back down again 'slowly' being the key word should really help your lower ab muscles. A variation of that which I think hurts a bit more is lying flat on your back, bring one leg in (So the heel of your foot is by your bum) and leave the other…
  • I've just started this a few days ago and my goal is also 1200 calories a day. I'm only trying to shift a few pounds, but what I'm struggling with is that today for example, my calories add up to 1150 (ish) and so I'm told i'm under eating, but i'm ever so slightly over on my carb content :\. I did find yesterday that I…
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