Flat Stomach

OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm curious...how do I know or will I know...how flat my stomach is goin' to be? I mean when is the final flatness I guess. lol I don't even know if that makes sense... :blushing:

My stomach right now is flatter than I started out on Dec 6 2010. My upper part of my belly button is doin' fine - I have abs peekin' out and its fun to watch while workin' out.

Its my below the belly button that seems to be shrinkin' but not gettin' any flatter? ...

I have been watchin' my sodium like a hawk, drink 3 bottles of 1.5L of water per day. Is there any exercise I can add to focus on my lower ab area, below my belly button?

I'm over joyed at my success so far...it was just questions I guess...lol

thanks in advance for all responses...good and bad :) xo


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't know if they make the stomach any "flatter", but I just started doing reverse crunches and they KILL me. They made the bottom of my stomach hurt (in that good way!!) I hope that they're doing something, because the 30 I did today took me longer than most of my other exercises because I needed to rest between every couple.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I have the same question!! I'm thinking about buying either Rev Abs or Hip Hop Abs so I can add more concentration to that area since I'm so close my goal weight. But my midsection is definitely my problem area!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    I don't know if they make the stomach any "flatter", but I just started doing reverse crunches and they KILL me. They made the bottom of my stomach hurt (in that good way!!) I hope that they're doing something, because the 30 I did today took me longer than most of my other exercises because I needed to rest between every couple.

    sounds interesting but whats a reverse crunch?:huh:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It might just be your skin needs some time to adjust to having less fat under it. I've noticed that I've lost quite a bit of fat in my stomach area, but it's still not flat. But over the past few months, the skin has tightened up and it's looking better. You just need to give it some time, I used BioOil to help my skin maintain elasticity, and I'm young with no kids so the chances it'll go back and i'll have a relatively flat stomach are good. You just need to keep toning and give it time.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I don't know if they make the stomach any "flatter", but I just started doing reverse crunches and they KILL me. They made the bottom of my stomach hurt (in that good way!!) I hope that they're doing something, because the 30 I did today took me longer than most of my other exercises because I needed to rest between every couple.

    sounds interesting but whats a reverse crunch?:huh:

  • Yes lying on your back and lifting both your legs up to a 90 degree angle and back down again 'slowly' being the key word should really help your lower ab muscles.

    A variation of that which I think hurts a bit more is lying flat on your back, bring one leg in (So the heel of your foot is by your bum) and leave the other leg straight but lifting it ever so slightly so its a few inches parrallel to the floor. Keep swapping them but never let your straight leg touch the floor... I hope that makes sense!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I was thinkin' about gettin' 'Rev abs' or 'Hip hop abs'...I will have to do some research about it - before I invest in one of them. I'm 5lbs away from losin' 20lbs. with Power90 - I will hit that close to my Day 60 results or soon after...in like in 4 days...So I have no worries on losin' weight...just tonin' of the abs..I need more of.

    What are reverse crunches?
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I haven't had any Children. I will not have problem in loose skin....but all these ideas are simple wonderful - thank you to all who gave in advice - I really appreciate it :) xo
  • I'm pretty sure what I described as lifting your legs up and down slowly are reverse crunches... It's worth noting that that can be made easier by holding on to something? I usually just hook my hands under the sofa or something, but if you do do this then make sure not to just use your arm muscles or you won't feel or see any effects!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't know if they make the stomach any "flatter", but I just started doing reverse crunches and they KILL me. They made the bottom of my stomach hurt (in that good way!!) I hope that they're doing something, because the 30 I did today took me longer than most of my other exercises because I needed to rest between every couple.

    sounds interesting but whats a reverse crunch?:huh:

    Here's a clip of one, but I start mine lower (so likely harder). Maybe I'll try their version!


    My version --Start with your legs extended "hovering" just above the floor. Then you bend your knees back towards your chest, hold for a count, and then lower your legs again to the starting position. The trick is to not have your legs resting on the floor between crunches.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I google some videos! ...I have somewhat of idea...Thank you to all...You have brought into me more motivation now - Thank you all soo much :) Have a great day..! xo :flowerforyou:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Personally I think reverse crunches, planks, oblique twists, etc will TONE your abs & give abs definition just like working any other muscle. But to have flat abs....watch what goes in your mouth. I'm sure you've heard it 100 times, but it is so true...'abs are made in the kitchen'.
  • From what I've read, flat abs are mostly based on your body fat percentage, and not necessarily the muscle you have. Spot training the area will help develop a six pack, but not get your toward flatter abs any faster. If you get your BF% down to the lower half of the healthy range (somewhere between 14% and 18% for women). Here's an article with more information:

    Even if you don't want a six pack, you will need to have a low body fat composition to show your ab muscles and have a "flat" stomach. Good luck!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Personally I think reverse crunches, planks, oblique twists, etc will TONE your abs & give abs definition just like working any other muscle. But to have flat abs....watch what goes in your mouth. I'm sure you've heard it 100 times, but it is so true...'abs are made in the kitchen'.

    This is definitely true. You can have the worlds strongest and toned abs, but if you have a layer of fat on top (which almost ALL women do) then those terrific abs won't show!
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