justified111 Member


  • Interesting. It sounds silly but it does add up. If I lay in bed for an entire day (Not that I ever would) I would literally have 450 less calories to eat than I think. Alternatively, if I walk a lot one day but it's not "exercise" I should be eating more than I think since my morning cardio overwrites the "steps calorie…
  • I think one of the most important answers to the original question wasn't mentioned enough in this thread. "Bad" foods don't give you the feeling of being full and often are much smaller and easier to eat fast. Both of which means it's MUCH harder to keep a deficit when the foods lean in that direction. Eating foods like…
  • Here are my tricks: #1. If I know I'm going to have a long heavy drinking night I make sure to hit the gym extra hard that morning. That way I start off with a negative balance. #2. I try to drink the least caloric drinks (no sweet mixers, Guinness over IPA's, etc.) #3. I make sure I have healthy choices to pig out on at…
  • Thanks for all the responses guys. First off let me explain that I don't burn 1000 calories every day or even most days. In my original post I explained that some days I burn that many. Now, to answer some questions. How do I know I'm burning 1000 calories? I basically trust the cardio machines. I use a Concept 2 rower and…
  • My typical day is: 6am: Very Small Snack to get the metabolism going (30 cals) 630am: Cardio. I normally row 2000 meters and then jump on an elliptical for an hour and blast some music. or 630am: Weights. I switch off which muscles I work each session. 8:30am: Eat Breakfast. Normally 300 calories or so. A cottage cheese…
  • Sorry. I meant to post that in the smoothie thread. I had two open at one time. Not sure how to delete a post. Sorry
  • OK guys, if any of you are peanut butter fans are you ready to have your mind blown? I LOVE peanut butter but it's super high in calories. I found this last year: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002GJ9JWS?tag=orderstatus-20 I add it to all my smoothies and they're amazing. It has 85% less calories than peanut butter because all…
  • OK guys, if any of you are peanut butter fans are you ready to have your mind blown? I LOVE peanut butter but it's super high in calories. I found this last year: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002GJ9JWS?tag=orderstatus-20 I add it to all my smoothies and they're amazing. It has 85% less calories than peanut butter because all…
  • Have you looked into p90x?
  • I keep a box of these on hand: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CU0N36?orderstatus-20 They fill you up and are only 80 calories
  • Download FitRadio. It's a free APP and has a ton of great workout mixes
  • It's funny you say that because I find the opposite. One or two bites of desert works fine for me. Previously when I was trying to lose weight I would turn down all deserts, office birthday cakes, etc. Now, when there's a birthday party in the office I take the slice of cake I'm handed instead of turning it down and…
  • I add chia seeds to my cottage cheese
  • Do NOT worry about it! Tomorrow is another day and it is all about long term habits.