pfsweets Member


  • great job Matt! This is my second week and so far 5lbs! Having many friends on this site really helps also. Keep up the good work. I look forward to day 37!
  • Marilyn. Congratulations! Losing 195lbs is great. You are a inspiration to those of us over 60 (I'm almost 61) who think that it is hopeless. Losing the weight is far more important to feel better that what we look like now. The great "side effect" of losing the weight is of course we look younger! I had knee replacement…
  • Love to be part of your group. I had knee replacement this year and have added another 10lbs to the 50 that I need to lose. I tryed MFP a year or two ago. I need help and motivation as well. Thanks
  • Hi Rawan. My name is Peggy. I am starting over also. I do not have children but can relate to being overweight most of my life. In March I had a complete knee replacement and gained 10lbs since march. I am at 223 and have not been under 200 for over 10 years. I want to lose at least 60lbs also. Maybe we can help motivate…
  • I am as well so sorry about your loss. I have been on a up and down cycle for years with my weigh and it always seems like a family or friend tragedy, or just normal stress sets me off again into a spiral. I have tried every diet on earth and can never stay on them. I am approaching 60 years old this March. I want to feel…
  • Well my girl you are truely an inspiration to all. I just joined a couple of days ago and have struggled with losing 60lbs for good. Every pound is a accomplishment but when you see the long journey it is easy to get frustrated. You have inspired me and many others I'm certain. Keep it up and keep sending us your journey.…