Almost 200 lost but still need to lose another 100.

Hi! I'm a 66 year old granny and have been dieting most of my life. Recently I have lost 195 lbs. But I still need to lose 100 to be at the weight the charts say I should weigh. I really don't care about how I look anymore at my age which is a good thing as I have loads of excess skin on my arms and legs. I just can't afford to have it surgically removed. My problem is my knees are worn out from carrying around all this extra weight all my life. My orthopedic says I have to lose at least 50 more pounds before I would be able to get knee replacement surgery. It is so very hard to exercise enough to lose the weight even with a good diet. But I know this is something I can and will do as I refuse to give up. It really hurts to walk but I will not use a wheelchair as long as I can help it. Yes it is a slow process but I am winning the battle. I wish everyone the best of luck and success in there journey to better health.


  • Milvardea
    Good luck; I'm cheering for you! Congrats on all of your success so far!
  • pfsweets
    pfsweets Posts: 7 Member
    Marilyn. Congratulations! Losing 195lbs is great. You are a inspiration to those of us over 60 (I'm almost 61) who think that it is hopeless. Losing the weight is far more important to feel better that what we look like now. The great "side effect" of losing the weight is of course we look younger! I had knee replacement in March and gained 10lbs and now I have 60 to lose. Keep are a inspiration to me. Peggy
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    195 lbs. Wow. Inspirational.