

  • Hello! My current weight is 235, down from 251. I'm currently still on my Blood pressure meds, but would love to get off of them. Look for anyone else that has got off their blood pressure meds or anyone with the same situation as me. I have only been doing this 20 days. Not sure how long it will take to get to the point…
  • Please feel free to add me. I need friends that are trying to do the same thing. Thank you..
  • I too have been doing my routine for about two weeks. I'm 5'1 started at 251 pounds. Today I weighed in at 239.5. I need friends in here to keep me motivated and to share ideas on food. I really need to keep my sodium in check. So hard to do. Any suggestions would be great. My goal weight is 120. I have been walking for 30…