Hey there everyone

SO, I was on this site once before, but quit - due to life in general. I was doing good for a bit on my own, was at a healthy stable weight. But then I started to slack, saying to myself "the weight wont come back THAT easily". Now I've gained weight and everyone notices. My friends ask me what happened. Nice right? So I'm putting my foot down. I know that this is no temporary thing. I want to permanently have my body BACK. I want to be able to look in the mirror without breaking down, crying. I'm 5'8 and 186 lbs. My healthiest weight was 140 and I'm ready to get back down to that weight. I'm calling in anyone and everyone who is willing to be there for me on my journey. I'm here to give motivation as well. Thank you! - Danielle x


  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I'll be supportive! Best of luck to you!
  • cgreenaway93
    I really really need some motivation! We could help support each other :)
  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    You're more than welcome to send me a friend request!!! I'm on here every day. I can help you with your journey because I'm right there with you.
  • daniov
    thank you all for the support!
  • deeban92
    Hello! My current weight is 235, down from 251. I'm currently still on my Blood pressure meds, but would love to get off of them. Look for anyone else that has got off their blood pressure meds or anyone with the same situation as me. I have only been doing this 20 days. Not sure how long it will take to get to the point where I can get off the meds. Looking for friends also. Add me!
    Thank You