

  • At age 31 I started running/jogging for the first time in my life because I researched and all the experts seem to say that was the best way to rid yourself of belly fat. All my life whether I was skinny or 120 lbs over wieght, I always had bad belly issues. I think that was why I always got discouraged and gained lots of…
  • I bake mine with galic infused olive oil and dill. I fold them into a closed foil pocked placed in a glass pan and bake them on 400degree for about 30 to forty minutes. They come out moist melt in your mouth delicious! Do not add salt. theres plenty in the fich already. I think I also sprinkle lots of plain garlic powner…
  • The best thing, is to eat every two to three hours. If you eat for fuel then your body will burn fat. Larger meals should be about 300 calories and snack under 200 calories. For me I dont eat dairy(I'm allergic) and I dont anything white or made with white flour. I only eat brown and all the other colors! I stay away from…
  • I could never get rid of my pooch as hard as I tried or as skinny as I got. Finally for the first time in my life over the age of 30, I started running and the pooch started to dramatically shrink. My personal experience in running does the job! Core work is great and important to strengthen and make that area more…