steffenk1 Member


  • I have been on this sight before It really is an awesome sight you can keep track of everything. Good luck on your weight loss. Kat
  • I would like to be your friend and support also I am new to the palo diet what do you mean when you say whole 30 is that a month of following the Palo diet. Can anybody suggest a site to go to research further thank you. Thanks:bigsmile:
  • I joined zumba in my gym I love It am 53 and have bad feet but I just do what I can It is really fun It doesn't really feel like exercise it burns the calories I will tell you are instructor does kick you rear though. You should try it you will get hooked. steffenk1:smile:
  • We get Bountiful Baskets here in Hot Springs SD and we had got some in one of our baskets never tried it, had several suggestions from the girls at coop they said to fix it with olive oil and garlic and chicken breast or just olive oil and garlic out on the grill get on the internet and look up recipes there are some good…
    in Kale? Comment by steffenk1 June 2013
  • Welcome I recently joined this site for the first time but I have met a lot of new friends and supporters. I joined the summer weight loss challenge I is nice to have friends to encourage you and give you support we started the 5th of June. It has been fun to learn how everybody deals with there own weight loss journey and…