Thanks for the help! I only went into shock once (the allergist told me to stay away from all treenuts after that) and it was clearly in the sauce used on what I ate, which is why I thought this was possibly trace amounts.
Show up in your Dad's lexus
When my son is that age, I'd have no problem with him doing Insanity. He may actually get better grades in school after the "workout" because then he may actually focus.
After my cheating ex-husband, no, I don't forgive cheating or lying for that matter.
Say Goodbye by DMB <3
Start finding things that make you happy - get up - go after it and make it happy. You can not wait for problems to fix themselves. I left a unhappy relationship of ten years. Basically, I put my foot down and went after what I wanted in life. I'm not saying leave him or whatever --- just friggin go do what makes you…
What she said
Incorporate a little something into your daily routine. Even if you have to increase a little and get some exercise in, do it. Don't force yourself against an unrealistic standard that will ultimately cause you to fail.
This is where I'd say working out will take you further than losing lbs. My quads were always unusually large until I did Jillian Michaels' Body they're slim. I won't say you can't lose more weight but I think you will get further with exercise than you will with losing.
This is where we insert the lecture, it isn't about the number but about how you FEEL in your clothes and/or look. I say take it up to exercise to tone up and keep trying but I know what you mean. I think the lowest I could get was 127 & I'm 5'3
Dedication :)
I have a roof rack but....I'm 5'3 lol....I'd need a stool to accomplish a whole lot up there.
That's perfect. Thank you!
I'm not asking if I can run again --- I know when I can but asking about the possible support for when running over long term.
Wow - there's some great advice here. At least, I know what direction to go in now! Thank you :)
You must have had a twisted childhood or missed the 80s completely.
You're on the wrong site :)
I did Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution & it had a huge improvement on my running. Also p90x's strength days are good. Then there's Chalean extreme's but I'm not a big fan of her videos. If at a gym, you can download the p90x routine and easily do it at a gym without the video. It's a good plan and quite effective. It's 50…
You look great :)
and TM'ers, feel free to add me :)
I was doing one in June but I'm injured presently. I will be doing one in 2014 though.
GOOD answer
You're incorrigible :)
Lets take some of the focus off your relationship and him. What will make YOU happier right now, aside from things to be sorted out with him. Is there something you can adjust in your life that will make things easier for you so you can find time to exercise and eat the right foods? Focus less on your relationship and more…
Ignore him.