

  • If you think you are sensitive to wheat or gluten, it may be worth eliminating them for three weeks and then slowly reintroducing to see how you feel (change in weight, puffiness in face and limbs, headaches, etc.). If you are sensitive, or even allergic, you could lose weight by reducing any inflammation. If you don't…
  • Maybe try salads without the lettuce/leafy greens. You can bulk up on denser vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, chopped cucumber, etc. with your typical (healthy) salad toppings. Hopefully these heavier vegetables will be easier for you get down...and they have lots of nutrients and fiber to keep you full, which is a…
  • Hello Everyone, My name is E.K. and I am returning to My Fitness Pal after a brief hiatus. I am struggling to lose the baby weight (daughter was born in April), and despite consistent diet and exercise, I keep gaining and losing the same 8 lbs. I have a few complications (hypothyroidism, PPD, Celiac, etc.) that have made…