

  • A devil woman. Because I wanted a devil and I like pinups. The rest have deep sentimental meanings. If you can't decide on something meaningful, get one that isn't. Get R2D2 or something you've liked for ages. Not every tattoo has to be steeped in meaning. Folks who regret their tattoos regret them because they are too…
  • It was just a day. Tomorrow will be another one. When you get up tomorrow, crank the tunes and rock out, 'cause you're back baby!!!!! Own it! Know that you are moving forward even if life sometimes pushes you back! Today sucked. Tomorrow is just around the bend and you WILL hit the ground running! (I'm serious about…
  • Hmm.. Now admittedly, I haven't checked the links (too lazy to cut and paste. Lol.), but I believe my general diet is a 'shredding' diet. My job keeps me active, I consume ~2000 cal per day (my MFP goal is 2270). I've found that almonds make a good snack. I avoid bread and opt for wraps and salads. I eat mostly turkey,…
  • I would maow down a big bag of chips without thinking. I'd also eat an entire large pizza given the chance. Two litre of pop? Sure, why not There were two reasons for this, near as I can figure: I wasn't in a good mood and ate to feel good; I wasn't eating enough throughout the day. When I started tracking my eating habits…
  • Thanks for the tip. My activity level is already set to high, but I cut out the exercise.
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