marylorrainecox Member


  • I might suggest they try Pinterest as a better way to share their recipes. That way you are less likely to see it. I use Pinterest, but I look for healthy recipes.
  • Talk to your doctor before using soy. Fermented soy is the only thing a non-menopausal woman should consume. Garden for Life has some great protein powders that are vegan with sprouted grains. Those might be good options to supplement your protein needs. Beans and quinoa are also great sources.
  • You might want to change your body split if you are lifting every day. You will use your biceps during back day, so the following day you should be resting your arms, not working them. I like the following: Day 1-Upper pushing (chest, triceps, front and top of shoulders) Day 2-Upper Pulling (back, biceps, back of…
  • Oatmeal is a great source. I like steel cut oats or my new favorite is Quaker Oats Weight Control, which as whey protein added for a little more protein support. I usually add a cup of blueberries to the oats, which adds even more fiber. I have been very comfortable bathroom-wise since starting this. Beans are great…
  • It is easier for me to abstain from very processed high calorie foods by substituting something healthier that might reduce the craving. If I convince myself how horrible the food item is for my body- why would I want to even eat a little bit of it. Also, once I taste it, I crave it until I can fight the craving all over…
  • I do leg press and calf press (same weight, fewer reps). I also do abductor machine or cable. Some gyms have a kick back machine, or you could use cable, to work on glutes, along with leg curs and extensions- try pointing toes in, toes out, toes center, so each set works on slightly different parts of the muscle. If you…
  • It is very similar to keeping a financial budget. It helps you identify where you are spending your calories, so you become more aware of your spending and can adjust as needed. It is also great in that it shows nutrient amounts and has the option to scan the barcode of food items that have a bar-code for more accurate…
  • I don't mind allowing my closest friends to see my diary, but I don't want strangers to see what brands of foods etc. that I eat and how often I eat them. That is not the safest thing to do. Just like, it might not be prudent to run the same route every day and post that route and time on the internet for strangers to see.…
  • I have been logging my workout under Strength Training. I use it while I am at the gym. I design a program before I get there and follow it- adjusting the reps or weight if anything is different. Then, I also log the time under cardio.
  • My suggestion would be to consult a local trainer in your area. There may be one that can help you design a program for you to follow in your home. You are an individual and need individualized support from someone who can really get to know your medical and family/lifestyle needs in addition to your personal goals. That…
  • You are such an inspiration! Way to go! I'll bet you have so much more energy and can do more of the things you have wanted to do. I can't wait to roller skate again and even jump rope! Keep up the good work!