swaggityswagbag Member


  • Do you weigh your food though? Tracking is not accurate if you are using cups/estimating things, weighing food in grams is usually better.
  • Yes eat peanut butter on its own, people do it all the time. Of course you'd have to weigh it though. But you have been finding a lot of "reasons" why nothing can change, either your financial situation or you just don't want to eat different foods. Basically your options are change or don't change, if you don't like any…
  • You're fighting a lifetime of eating habits, and a lot of triggers to cause you to go back to old eating habits. It really 100% is just about changing what your natural habits are. And it will definitely take time. Staying very active will usually make it a little easier to not gain weight as long as you continue to track…
  • Meal replacement shakes aren't necessarily sustainable either. If sustainable is a major concern you should be eating real foods. For the record, when people say "sustain" in re: a diet, they mean "not falling off the wagon and going back to not caring at all". You don't actually have to sustain a specific low calorie…
  • I see you are not weighing your food. You should invest in a food scale and weigh everything in grams, though I also weigh meat in ounces (pre-cooking weight!).
  • Ignore the person above, she has no idea what she's talking about. Absolutely use big weights. Light weights do absolutely nothing. Women and men train the same. If you're not seeing more definition then that's because muscles do not really grow on a calorie deficit; in addition, if you are logging your calories…
  • no advice but I found your title and photo combination pretty confusing because I'm used to FTM standing for "female to male" trans men! Very confused at first, haha.
  • The idea that a "cleanse" removes "toxins" and all that junk is ridiculous psuedoscience. However, the idea of drinking nothing but water for a day (a little honey and lemon if you like) is not a bad one if you know you have been having a lot of gastrointestinal problems and it's an ongoing issue. I personally do this…
  • OP says her weight stayed the same throughout the summer. This means she was eating at maintenance. Either she has a much lower calorie requirement than you are assuming, or she is underestimating how much she is eating significantly. Either way, she is not losing weight - so she is not eating 800 calories, and she is not…
  • Protein must be consumed, but fat and carbs are pretty much interchangable based on your own personal preference. I eat similarly to you when I'm losing weight, because fat is filling and it makes me eat less when I limit carbs. In contrast, many people who are trying to gain weight and are struggling to get the calories…
  • Used to take it with like two tablespoons of half and half and a lot of sweetener, but lately I've needed no cream and maybe two packets of splenda per 12 oz of coffee. But I cannot drink the cheap stuff like this. Edit: I also drink cuban coffee, a lot. Espresso with sugar mixed in. 4g of sugar per 30mL serving, and as…
  • Nope. We're saying, if she is not hungry and not sick, then she is more than likely eating more thAn what she thinks she is, probably closer to 1000-1200 calories minimum.
  • Every morning. Luckily it generally has no effect on my moods, but if it does definitely don't torture yourself. I know 100% I am in a caloric deficit because I weigh and measure my foods. So I never worry that I'm "gaining weight" if the numbers go up. Without fail, if I maintain/gain weight, either 1. I worked out the…
  • OP, although you are probably still undereating, I think, like most people, you are also probably underestimating how much you eat. Unless you weigh it, if you're genuinely not hungry and there's nothing wrong with you, then you probably are getting more calories than you think. I would estimate between 200-400 more than…
  • You can "guestimate" for going out, but it's not that big of a deal. Anyway, if you want to gain weight, you can still count calories. Just up the number you eat.
  • 5'4, 130. If I can get a bf% of 20%, then 135-140 is fine.
  • I track protein and carbs - keep carbs as low as I can (usually under 30g) and try to at least get within 10g of my protein macro (so between 80g and 100g a day). Fat falls where it does, but it usually is between 50 and 100g. Overall, I try to keep it under 1400 calories so fat is usually lower.
  • I've heard of some people doing a sort of low carb "cereal" - I used to do 1/4th cup unsweetened shredded coconut + 1/4th cup crushed walnuts or pecans with a spoonful of splenda. Here's another recipe I haven't tried but looks interesting:…
  • Yes. You do not need to add your exercise calories, because your calorie allotment was made with your activity in mind.
  • I love peanut butter but before I started weighing it, I seriously underestimated how much I was eating. "One tablespoon" was usually at least double. WEIGH YOUR PEANUT BUTTER!
  • This is what I figured was most common! I hope I can shed that bloat quickly, because just being post-op is uncomfortable enough, adding bloating won't make it much easier.
  • If you're not hungry, you don't have to eat the extra calories. You won't die or anything as long as you're eating all your nutrients most of the time. Hell, you won't even have really any adverse affects either. I've been absolutely fine in a period where my sleep schedule ruined my appetite and I ate about 800 calories a…
  • I started birth control while losing weight. Hasn't slowed down or stopped me. People gain on birth control because they underestimate how many calories they eat and have bigger appetites, nothing more. Since I'm already logging, I can't accidentally overeat.
  • Exactly this. In fact, carbs are the only macronutrient that you don't need to get from food. The amount of psuedoscience in this thread is ridiculous.
  • When I was in high school and used to eat lots of carbs, I would eat a lot of "whole grain" stuff with fiber in it and all, and if I ever added a Fiber One bar to my day, I knew within an hour I would definitely be regretting my decision.
  • It will overestimate seriously. Your heart rate will go up at the peak of the exercise but quickly goes down once the weight is put down. It's not a stable high heart rate like cardio produces. It's not a good idea to trust it.
  • Your stats look fine, why would you lower your fats? If anything, lower your protein a little bit and up the fat some. BTW, when people say "good fats" and "bad fats" what they really mean is "unsaturated" and "saturated" fats. It's bs. Don't worry about it.
  • No, it doesn't help. Strength training helps some, because by adding muscle, your body needs more calories to support that muscle, but cardio does not add muscle and therefore does not help weight loss. However, cardio is good for your heart, and makes you more "in shape" by improving your ability to endure workouts.…
  • Thank god. So many people here see links and think "IT MUST BE SUPPORTED". Read them yourself; OP totally misconstrued what the articles conclude.
  • Thank you for your input! I have another question - I sometimes see people say that it is obnoxious to the other gym goers to do bench presses in the power rack. Am I interpreting this wrong? Because it seems like stronglifts *encourage* you to bench press in the power rack. Or was it the squat rack you're not supposed to…