

  • I have a friend who recently went vegan (: and has recently been dedicated to going to the gym regularly. I was wondering if you have any suggestions on the best way to get the necessary nutrients? (She has vitamins but she left them back in her hometown and doesn't have them here in her college dorm).
  • It could also be the time of day you weighed yourself. If you had just eaten or (like a previous member mentioned) you are wearing heavier clothes it could really make a difference. Weight really does fluctuate throughout the day. I would probably say to weigh yourself around the same time of week and day you did last…
  • I was wondering the same thing! Thanks for posting and thanks to all who have/will reply.
  • It is awesome to hear from all of you! :D I hope we can all reach our goals and tone up as well as lose the fat-weight. And I hope to be hearing from all of you in the future to see how everyone is doing (: Since I'm fairly new I'm still not sure how the entire system works, so any tips/hints/knowledge would be great!