mariebmcd Member


  • So, we don't have to judge based on anecdotal evidence. There is research on sizeism (discrimination based on someone's size). Here are some popular articles, most of which cite actual research studies by psychologists, and medical professionals, among others:…
  • Starting weight: 239 June starting weight: 235 June goal weight: 230 Overall goal weight: 190 I weigh in on Mondays 6/5: 233 6/12: 6/19: 6/26: Total loss for June so far: -2 I'm still early in the weight loss, so I'm sort of sad it wasn't more, but I was at my college reunion over the weekend, and there was quite a bit of…
  • Oh good! Just what I needed. Starting weight: 239 June starting weight: 235 June goal weight: 230 Overall goal weight: 190
  • I weigh 235 too, and I can't believe I got to this point. For me, it's mostly baby weight that won't come off (but I hate that I gained 50 lbs during pregnancy). My clothes don't fit. But I know I can do it- so can you! Feel free to add me, because it looks like we have the same journey.
  • I hate running with mosquitoes. If I run in the evenings I stick to places with fewer of them (more city streets, less wooded trails). I handle the bug spray okay, but I think you could also try the clip-ons- I think they have less smell. Good luck!
  • Thanks! I am losing weight so I do have a caloric deficit, but maybe I need to up my protein and iron intake. I am doing strength training twice a week, I'll see if I can modify it to increase strength without making me exhausted the next day. I appreciate the feedback!
  • I think this is a wonderful problem to have. The FIRST thing to go is my boobs. Last time I lost a lot of weight (for my wedding) I went from a 36D to a 34A. :(
  • I love salty things too. I don't worry too much about my salt intake (I worry about other things) so I add salt to some things, my FIL adds NoSalt to things and he seems to like it okay. My husband adds Braggs to his food (salty but actually a lot healthier than soy sauce).
  • I have been a vegetarian (not vegan) for 20 years. I became a vegetarian because (at 13) I couldn't stand the idea of eating a formerly living, breathing, feeling creature. Now at 33 I have a slightly different perspective. The thought of meat is still nauseating, but if it doesn't nauseate you and if you are getting your…
  • Born in Austria, and lived in Switzerland, England, France, Belgium, Russia Moved to US at 18 and lived in NJ, MA, NH, VA, PA, CA and am now in New Haven, CT! (foreign service brat with an inability to sit still).
  • I'm sure other people will be able to respond more intelligently, but from my own experience the first weight you lose is often water weight. Especially when you cut sodium your body seems willing to shed some of the extra water that is held in by that. At a certain point (normally about a week after you've made changes)…
  • Where are the tall ladies?! Age: 27 (28 in Sept) SW: 208ish CW: 202ish (a hair below) GW: 160 UGW: I'll see when I get there :) Height: 5'9"-5'10" (depending on which doctor you ask I'm pretty close to you! Age: 33 SW: 213 CW: 204 GW: 170 UGW: ditto Height: 5'9"