

  • Wow well done you???????????????? i hope i do as well as i am a newbie of sorts, i did join but never really started but i am commited this time round. Can you help me as i post and nobody bothers to reply. How can i scan barcodes from the full site as the app allows for it as soon as i go to add food i get the logo at the…
  • Hi Abs, i recently came back here 2 weeks now, i did not weigh the first week (too afraid lol) anyway i weighed last Tuesday so today is my weigh in day. It is only 6.55 am here in the UK as i type this so a few hours to go before i weigh, i am not expecting much though as i am not able to exercise much due to a back…
  • Hi all, i just checked out youtube and the beginners Pilates it was great, i also want to thank all the posters for adding here advice on home exercise i will in time checking out more. I have quite a bad back and Sacro Illiac joint pain and am awaiting surgery on the SI joint which has added to my weight gain as i had to…
  • Hi thanks for adding me, lets really try to get this kick started now all i need is the kick up the backside lol
  • Hi i am new to this site so please help me in my quest to lose weight. I really need to keep motivated thanks in advance x