beckmoir Member


  • i'm starting tonight! i'm pretty excited. i'm going to do this as well as some extra cardio a few days a week. i'm also always happy to have extra motivation and support, so anyone feel free to add me :)
  • i'm probably going to get a lot of negative feedback for this, but i don't count calories anymore. i was in the same boat as you. it's boring and repetitive. you should definitely do it for a while. it does help, i'm not saying it doesn't,but do it long enough that you learn more about portion sizes, and so you're more…
  • it has changed a bit for me but only with everything EXCEPT for chocolate. chocolate will probably always be my weakness lol
  • you, and anyone else feel free to add me! :) i'm always looking for more buddies
  • i was taking it for about a month. i stopped and threw the rest of the pills away because they were making me sick. they gave me brutal headaches, i was constantly nauseous, and i just didn't feel right.. like mentally. strange side affects, but i can't imagine that any pills like that would be good for you. luckily for me…
  • yeah, i find the jump rope part kinda hard too! i actually find the very beginning the hardest. the push ups followed by squat and press, then the two minutes of jumping jacks and jump rope KILL ME haha but i didn't find it too bad today (day 5) so that's pretty exciting
  • day 4 for me today! how's everyone else doing and feeling?
  • i've done level one once. i didn't continue because i'm an idiot lol. i didn't notice much of a change to my appearance, but i definitely felt so much stronger! maybe i'll start again today too! i'm such a quitter sometimes and i hate it lol