30 Day Shred!



  • Shann415
    Shann415 Posts: 2 Member
    I did day 3 of Level 1 last night. Hubby did it with me. He was impressed with how intense the workout was. We both broke out in a sweat.

    I'm eating healthy during this journey. Sunday night i prepped all of my lunches for the week. I have only healthy snacks at my desk at work.

    I'm also going to the gym at work during the week. I'm having trouble eating enough calories, though! The past 2 days after working out twice a day, i have had in excess of 300 calories left to eat and i just cant do it! I'm not hungry lol.
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm having the same problem with not being able to eat enough calories too. I'll usually finish with 300 or more still left over. Not sure if that's good or not but I don't want to eat just to eat!
  • ChrissieB123
    ChrissieB123 Posts: 4 Member
    Currently on day 3 of level 1. I tried it a couple of months ago but didn't stick to it but this time I am committed to it.
  • I just started 30 day shred today! I have had the video for a couple years, but have never stuck with it. I am determined this time to at make it the 30 days. I would love to have some support and motivation from others. Add me as a friend!
  • nashelsky
    nashelsky Posts: 28 Member
    Today is Day 2 of 30DS for me! I've also been trying to eat healthier - having green smoothies for breakfast and lunch, with healthy snacks and a normal dinner. This is coming from rarely eating any fresh fruits or vegetables, so I'm hoping to see some change even though my dinners will probably not be the healthiest. Yay!
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    I managed to complete it about a year ago with really good results.

    Unfortunately, that was the last exercise that I did until until last night when I did Day 1 and today my legs are in agony. Walking down stairs seems to be the worst!

    I'm currently trying to decide if I should let my legs rest today or push through the pain and just do it.
  • i stated 30 day shred today-and I went to the gym yesterday did squats dead leg lifts and took a zumab class last night-and boy I can feel my legs are like jello today-I truly love jillian micheals she is amazing trainer-so glad other are doing it to-I just want to stick to it
  • beckmoir
    beckmoir Posts: 11 Member
    day 4 for me today! how's everyone else doing and feeling?
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Joining in here!

    I'm on day 5 of level 1. I haven't done any form of exercise except walking in 6 years so I've surprised myself at having the motivation for this. Tonight was the first time I noticed a difference in my stamina, but I still need to take a two minute break half way through. I find the jump rope exercise really really difficult and I'm not sure why. It just kills me.

    I am also trying to eat well. I've been taking daily pictures and measurements. Looking forward to getting results from this!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Hey fellow shredders!

    This morning I completed what I'm officially calling day 4 of the shred. (I did 3 days of level one via YouTube before a very gluttonous vacation, so I started fresh when I got home).

    I then found the DVD on Amazon for $7. Since you need a $30 order to get free shipping, I also ordered; Ripped in 30, No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I want to finish this one before moving on to the others.

    My plan is to do these workouts every weekday before work. I'll do 2 weeks of each level, so each 10 days will actually be 14 calendar days.

    This will be combined with a nightly "family walk" with my husband and dog as well as active weekends which will include snowshoeing, hiking, skiing, home renovations, football, swimming, or any other fun activities we can do together.

    I wish you all success and look forward to checking in and keeping each other motivated and on track!
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    On day 5 of the Shred and am loving it! Its starting to get easier but the push ups are still killer! Jillian is awesome! Love reading everyones results!
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    On day five and loving it! Hopefully I will stick to it!
  • beckmoir
    beckmoir Posts: 11 Member
    yeah, i find the jump rope part kinda hard too! i actually find the very beginning the hardest. the push ups followed by squat and press, then the two minutes of jumping jacks and jump rope KILL ME haha but i didn't find it too bad today (day 5) so that's pretty exciting
  • Did the 1st day of shred today......omg i wanted to quit! Jillian kicked my butt! but well worth it.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    Mind if I join in the discussion? :D

    I'm on "Level 1 day 6"... but I'm doing it every other day, not every day. (Mainly because the between days have been spent shoveling two feet of snow off a 20-something-foot driveway and my shoulders couldn't HANDLE any more work. But that's another story.)

    Today was my first time being able to keep going through the whole thing, and I'm super proud of myself! Oddly enough the cardio is my "rest period" and the strength is where I want to die. It's really helpful to turn on music and mute Jillian so I don't think about how miserable I am. :P

    One more day in level 1 then I think I'm heading to level 2. Someone hold me... I'm scared!
  • Trad78
    Trad78 Posts: 22 Member
    FYI, the program is free on YouTube. I'll admit, I did it yesterday because I was sick. I thought "girls working out? No problem!" Yeah, I was sweating sweating pretty good at the end. Did day two today. I think I'm going to try to stick it out the 30 days. Good luck everyone!
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    I start my first day of Level 3 tomorrow. Feel the buuurn.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    You have all convinced me to try it.

    Now the goal is to not be lazy and actually do it almost everyday.
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    Im on day 7 of level 2. I've had to do a great deal of modifying. I have plantar fasciitis in one foot that's aggravated by 30DS from time to time. I also dont have a sturdy floor so jumping jacks have turned into jogging in place. Also, her plank exercises are very difficult for me. The more intense crunches are hard, so sometimes I modify those. But so far I've stuck to it. Some days Ill do two level ones consecutively or a level one and level two consecutively.
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I am restarting and now on Level 1 day 3.

    I am planning to add dieting now.