

  • I do primal, so I do allow dairy. That said, I'm not a milk drinker so all my dairy is usually cheese or butter and I use it sparingly. I will occasionally get a latte as a treat or add cream/whole milk to a quiche instead of coconut milk. Aside from the Starbucks, all the dairy I use is from grass-fed cows. We get…
  • Short answer? No, not really. They are a grain. Long answer is here: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/are-oats-healthy/#axzz2HQI3lPQ0 Also, the egg beaters can be replaced by actual egg. Paleo and primal are about eating whole, unprocessed foods and egg beaters are pretty much a poster-product of processed food. If you're…
  • I personally don't do well having much in the way of carbs for breakfast, especially fruit. I think that's just me though. I always have to pair fruit with a fat or I sugar-crash. During the week I've been having coffee with a little coconut oil and a cup of bone broth. That keeps me going until lunchtime and beyond. On…
  • Primal here. I've been doing this for a month and am down 11 lbs so far. I'm feeling sooo much better! I added a few of you as friends, but I got called away in the middle, so please feel free to add me.