

  • Hi KweenJosephine, So sorry you can't do cheese, have your tried Sheep's cheese yet? I also reacted to the goat's cheese, but seemed ok with the Sheep's cheese and now cow's cheese. Yes, other combo's to test are: Rice and beans in the same meal. Rice and animal protein in the same meal. Beans and meat in the same meal…
  • Congrats on reaching day 20, yea! Now that I have more friendly proteins under my belt, I think I am going to slow down and test once a week like Lyn recommends, so I can lose weight quicker. I tested cow's cheese yesterday and passed, yea me, so happy, LOL.
  • Hi KweenJosephine, Glad you finally started, maybe? LOL, I also did not test during my cycle, but oh my, was I craving salty foods. I did not notice a sweet craving, but then I have had some intense sugar cravings when I wasn't cycling, so is probably why I only craved salty stuff during my cycle. Bummer that you have to…
  • Welcome roselover, good luck with the plan. I was also happy to find this group as I have no support on the home front and the people here have been wonderful with encouragement. I found The Plan reading First Magazine and decided that a lot of Lyn's ideas match mine and also made sense to me. I have been really happy…
  • Yes, it is EVOO, with lemon juice and herbs of choice for the first 3 days, after that you can switch it up some, Dorene.
  • I loved the cream of broccoli soup and was not reactive to it, yea! My soup was a little spicy though, so I think I will cut the sriracha down to half a tablespoon and see how that is. I also made the Chia Pumpkin Pudding and liked that, however I find that Chia sees have a slight black pepperish taste. LOL, I learned not…
  • Hi, I hope everyone had a safe and happy forth. I am trying the cream of broccoli soup for lunch. It smells good while it is cooking, if I am not reactive to the soup (I don't think I will be, because everything in the soup I have had before) and I like the taste, I plan on trying it with different vegetables, like…
  • Hi Ruth, I am going off the plan for dinner only. We are having a cookout and I plan to have a little bit of everything in moderation. I have found that it is pretty easy to start right back up when you have a day where you go off plan a little, or even a lot. I have been a dieter all my life because of being over-weight…
  • Hi KweenJosephine, I am definitely going to try the compote, just to mix things up, although I don't mind the flax, but I had eaten it before I started The Plan so is probably why I don't mind it. I was a little confused by that too, but I am assuming it is because the potato chips are supposed to be non-reactive for about…
  • Hi Ruth, Good Luck with TP! I lost 4 the first day, 2 the second day and then 4 on the third day. You could be reactive to the chick peas because Lyn's book says that when you test and you don't lose .5 you are considered reactive. I believe in Lyn's book, but I also believe that we are all different, so everyone's…
  • Hi Julie, Keep up the good work! I reacted badly to the rye cracker, but found I could do a rice cracker. I also reacted to the white bread, but have not given up as I love bread too. I think you should test different breads you like, because even though white bread got me, I tested fine with pumpernickel and I also tested…
  • You are most welcome and thank you for your kind words. Let me know how you like the compote as I have not tried that, but might just to switch things up a bit. I tested reactive to the rye cracker, but found I could do a rice cracker ok. When I got to the day to add cheese, chocolate and coffee, I went up a pound. I did a…
  • Hi Grace, Here is what Lyn's website says about other drinking options: What else can I drink besides water? Peppermint tea, Chamomile tea, and Roobios teas are all fine to have included as part of your water intake. You may also have Green or Black teas but I would limit those to 16 oz daily because of their acidity. So I…
  • Hi KweenJosephine, Good Luck to you and your husband. I was not a breakfast person to begin with and I struggled with eating a full cup of the flax granola as well. I found I was throwing out about half and wasting it anyway, so I cut the serving down to a 1/2 cup, which worked much better for me. That did not adversely…
  • Hi teresaknightm, So sorry you don't like the flax seed. According to Lyn's website, there is a blueberry & pear compote you can do instead of the flax. Here is the web address: and you have to download The Fall Cookbook 2012 (different from The Plan Cookbook 2012). Once on the site go to Blogs and…
  • Hi, I was like you that on the day I added the cheese/coffee/wine/chocolate, I went up and since there were 3 new things added (I don't like wine so that was the only thing I did not add that day), I was unsure what made me go up. I ended up redoing the last day of the cleanse and then tried that day again, this time only…
  • Hi, Glad to find a support group. I tried to get both my mom and my sister, who are both over-weight and saying they want to lose weight to start The Plan with me, but both declined (sigh), so not much support from the family network. Both are giving excuses to eating healthier, so I am not going to worry about that. I…
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