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  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    You are most welcome and thank you for your kind words.

    Let me know how you like the compote as I have not tried that, but might just to switch things up a bit.

    I tested reactive to the rye cracker, but found I could do a rice cracker ok. When I got to the day to add cheese, chocolate and coffee, I went up a pound. I did a friendly day again and only added the cheese and coffee and was fine, so figured it must have been the chocolate (I love chocolate, sigh). I did wait a couple of weeks and tested the chocolate again. I emailed Lyn's group and they suggested it could be because I have yeast build up that has not gone away yet, so there may still be hope for chocolate for me, yea!

    Glad to hear you are not having headaches. I only had them the first day and a half of the cleanse, but have been fine since.

    I loved the apricot glazed chicken. I used sriracha instead of the adobe peppers as that was what I had on hand and did not feel like buying the adobe peppers. I also loved the Indian spiced chicken (day 15). I like cinnamon ok, but put less in spice mixes than what the recipe calls for as to me cinnamon gave over power the other spices. Good luck with the steak, that is on my list to try as well (probably on the 4th of July, will grill steaks).

    No, you are fine and not TMI as it helps to ask if other people have the same symptoms. I found that I get this too in the AM after the cereal and the coffee, so I have just gotten used to it. I just think of it as the flax cleaning me out and getting rid of waster quicker. I don't think it is a reaction, as I feel fine the rest of the day and have weight-loss for that day.

    Yeah, sleep is important as not enough can throw your body off. I don't have kids and find that there is a lot of prep work, so I give extra kudos to people who have kids and have to do all the prep work. I think it will be worth it if we can get healthy and lose weight at the same time, Dorene.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi Julie,
    Keep up the good work! I reacted badly to the rye cracker, but found I could do a rice cracker. I also reacted to the white bread, but have not given up as I love bread too.

    I think you should test different breads you like, because even though white bread got me, I tested fine with pumpernickel and I also tested the sprouted grain bread and was fine with that. I am going to try testing sourdough and then eventually wheat.

    LOL, can you tell I don't want to totally give up on bread? Good Luck and let us know how the Rye bread test goes, Dorene.
  • Hi, so happy to find this forum to discuss TP!! I need to lose some weight (10-15 lbs. at least) that I'm never able to get off successfully. Plus, I JUST had some arthritis flare up and can't seem to mitigate that so far with supplements. I am a Type 1 diabetic, so wasn't sure exactly how closely I'd be able to follow the plan, but it's working surprisingly well and my insulin amounts have decreased by about half. I NEVER used to be able to eat breakfast (other than an egg) without my sugars going wild.

    I'm only on Day 4. Did you all lose every day on the cleanse?

    Have a question however and am hoping someone will answer. I lost half a pound on day 1, 1.2 lbs on Day 2 and then this morning was the same. I followed the cleanse pretty carefully.

    Is staying the same meaning I am reacting or is it okay to go ahead????

    I decided to go ahead with Day 4, mainly because my two older children are doing this with me (ages 23 and 22) and so I am preparing foods for the three of us (hubby and the two little girls aren't). I don't relish figuring out how to cook for three separate groups for meals!!

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi Ruth,
    Good Luck with TP!

    I lost 4 the first day, 2 the second day and then 4 on the third day.

    You could be reactive to the chick peas because Lyn's book says that when you test and you don't lose .5 you are considered reactive.

    I believe in Lyn's book, but I also believe that we are all different, so everyone's standard weigh loss can be different. After the cleanse, I was consistently losing .4 each day, not the .5 like her book says (when I did not test reactive to stuff that is).

    I think that everyone's body is different just like Lyn does, so I also think that the weight loss can be different for everyone. Be sure to check that there are not other things that kept you from losing that day, like drinking your water too late, to little or too much water. If you can't put your find on what made you not lose, then you could be reactive to the chick peas, Dorene.
  • Hi Dorene!
    Thanks for your reply!! After going ahead and having hummus this time (with the possible reactive chickpeas), I lost .8 lbs., and I lost .8 lbs again yesterday. I have lost a total of 4.4 five days.

    So I'm guessing that something else was responsible for the no loss day. I'm being careful to drink all my water before 7:30.

    I am so sorry you aren't able to do chocolate right now. :( Interestingly enough, I did fine with the weight loss and my blood sugars with the chocolate inclusion, but maybe that's because I added the wine too. I rarely drink alcohol, so it's not that it's a fav at all, but apparently wine does decrease blood sugar (as attested to by some type 1's that I googled). Not too sure that I'm eager to try the chocolate without, since my blood sugars might spike (which they've rarely done so far on the plan), but I'm sure I'll need to try that.

    Keep on keeping on!!!

    My kids both lost weight the first three days (and my daughter doesn't need to lose but the five she lost are okay), but both have now stabilized weight.

  • Thank you Dorene!
    I made the compote and it was alot easier for me to choke down...still not my favourite but I'd probably choose it over the granola given a choice :) It's a bit of work but not bad. Hubby didn't mind it as well...the change was a beautiful thing for our discouraged-flax-eating-souls! :happy:
    So much of The Plan is confusing me....Monday was our day 7 which she states is a no test day (or you can do chickpeas which we had already tested...) but there were potatoe chips for a snack which we hadn't had that's confusing to me...anyway, hubby was up .6 yesterday he was bummed...and I only lost .4lbs...I don't think I was reactive although I didn't lose my .5lbs. I'm wondering if anyone knows how PMS factors into this?? I am expecting my period any day...and I've always gained while having it....THIS morning I was only down .2 and that was AFTER yesterday's rest day. ?? I'm confused...I think I mentioned that. :explode: So now with my back aching and not much for loss, I'm questioning whether goat's cheese WAS reactive even though up until my rest day I'd lost on it. ACK.
    I've been drinking way more than half my body weight in oz of she says add an extra 40 ounces if you're breastfeeding and even more if it's HOT out...which it yesterday I had 130+ ounces of water....maybe that was too much?? I see how they tell you to get a consultation...too bad it's too pricey for my blood. :indifferent: Sleep is still an!
    I love the apricot glazed chicken too Dorene!! I hope you have good luck testing steak for july 4!! Steak went well with me...loved it...had some pecorino romano with the salad and it all went together YUMMMMMILY!! :love: I could eat that again....sadly she wants beef limited to once a week!
    I'm hoping things start to stabilize again and that I start losing! I wish my reactivity symptoms were more obvious??? I'm living for my chocolate tonight and testing bread tomorrow! I have to have carrot/ginger soup for lunch....wish me luck...I think I'm going to douse it with spicy coco sauce!! Hahaha!
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi KweenJosephine,
    I am definitely going to try the compote, just to mix things up, although I don't mind the flax, but I had eaten it before I started The Plan so is probably why I don't mind it.

    I was a little confused by that too, but I am assuming it is because the potato chips are supposed to be non-reactive for about 95% of the people. I can't find salt free chips here and did not feel like ordering them online, but my local grocery store does carry Lays brand that is 50% less salt and I do ok with those. I know Lyn says that anything that is not a half pound loss means you are reactive, but I am consistently losing .4, so I think that is just my body being different from the norm.

    I am officially at 19 pounds down as of today, yea! I went up 3 pounds when I was PMSing. I am going thru early menopause so I am not as regular as I used to be so it is hard for me to tell when I am ready to start. Lyn's book does recommend to not test while you are cycling as that can throw the results off cause of water retention.

    I really did not like goat's cheese, but am able to stomach sheep's cheese much better. I am hoping when I test the cow's cheese that I am not reactive cause I love most kinds of cow's cheese.

    Thank you, I am so looking forward to steak and I wish we could have beef more often too!

    LOL, I only made the first batch of carrot ginger soup and had such a hard time with it that I have not made it since, yuck just did not like it. There is supposed to be a cream of broccoli soup that a lot of people like. I have not tried that yet but plan to.

    I hope you have a happy and safe 4th, Dorene.
  • I am SO hoping the potato chips are okay for me!! Love, love, love potato chips (salted would be a bit better)! :)

    I ate at El Torito today with my friend. I wasn't quite sure what to do, but I ordered the chicken tortilla soup minus the cheese (brought my own sheep's pecorino) and told them to hold the tortilla strips. I ate the soup broth and veggies and took out the chicken and potatoes and peppers. About an hour after the meal, I ate my no-salt potato chips...

    I know the soup has tomato in it, so I'm really not sure what tomorrow's scale will show. And, unfortunately, I won't know if it's the potato chips or the tomato in the soup?!!!

    Happy July 4th to all!! Anybody veering off the plan for the day?

  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi Ruth,
    I am going off the plan for dinner only. We are having a cookout and I plan to have a little bit of everything in moderation.

    I have found that it is pretty easy to start right back up when you have a day where you go off plan a little, or even a lot. I have been a dieter all my life because of being over-weight all my life and I think the hardest lesson to learn is to not beat yourself up when you go off whatever plan you are doing for a day or two.

    In the past, I always use to be so hard on myself when I messed up that I would just get discouraged and not even try anymore. I have vowed to myself that I won't do that this time, especially as this time it is not so much about losing the weight as trying to get myself healthier, Dorene:+)
  • Totally agree with you, Dorene!! I want to be healthier too--and am seeing that I look a bit healthier (maybe it's the weight loss, too)!

    I stayed the same weight-wise this morning. :( Wondering if it was the tomato base in the soup; hoping it's not the potato chips.

    But I did sleep better last night, and my blood sugars were excellent all day yesterday and today (so looking at the positive side of this).

    I'm staying on the plan today just because my kids are doing it as well, and it's simpler cooking the same thing. We tried bread today!! Tasted really good toasted with goat cheese, avocado and sunflower seeds.

    I was really, really hungry mid-morning, which took me by surprise. I ate my same flax breakfast and probably had more water early on than I had the seven days prior. Not sure what that was about. Any insight?

    Happy 4th!!!!
  • Jenlybean
    Jenlybean Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I am very excited about the plan! I have just been put on Thyroid medication and find losing weight, but finding my trigger foods will help this, what I'm told is a slow journey! Thanks for this group!
  • Jenlybean
    Jenlybean Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I am very excited about the plan! I have just been put on Thyroid medication and find losing weight almost impossible! But, finding my trigger foods will help this, what I'm told is a slow journey! Thanks for this group! :smile:
  • Hi Jenlybean! Wishing you much success on The Plan!

    Yay Dorene for being down 19lbs!! That is great! I am glad to hear that you are consistently at .4 loss makes sense as we are all so different. I lost nothing and gained nothing this morning...and I'm still awaiting my period...I really thought I'd be up today... I'm getting so tired of the veggies, but maybe it's because I'm kinda cranky! I just want a yummy sandwich!! :wink: And I want to test new things, but I guess I have to wait on doing that for a few days. Hubby went up this morning, so he's kinda sad about the bread reaction! Boooo.

    reconciledbyg....the bread was sooooo good wasn't it!? I was sitting in my chair savouring it and my 3 year old wanted some...I was thinking, "Ummmmm no!!" So I had to make her her own toast!
    I am wanting to get healthier too...but want to also feel better about myself...for my 2 little girlies...I want to be a good role model for them. Weight has been an issue my whole life...and I don't want to have them see me struggle on with it. To be healthy is the goal!
  • Welcome Jenlybean!! Good for you for doing this!

    KweenJosephin, I was the same today too!! :( But while yours was probably the result of time of month, mine, unfortunately, is probably the potato chips that I retested with everything else friendly. The bread was fine (down .8 lbs). Yay for that! SO sorry your hubby didn't pass that test.

    Feeling better weight-wise, not so bloated and icky feeling, and my blood sugars are generally really good right now, but I'm getting a bit tired of all the veggies too...

    But some things just take time. And I do want to know what will work, so when I go on vacation in a month, I'll have more options!! Otherwise, I can see that I'll probably gain a lot....

    Friday, hubby and I are going to a restaurant with my sis and husband. It's kind of a unique place with different foods offered, and they made the reservation a month or so ago (pre The Plan). Do that will be a big test...

    Have a great day!! I'm trying hamburger tonight for new protein, so hopefully I can have something other than chicken and an egg... :)
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    I hope everyone had a safe and happy forth. I am trying the cream of broccoli soup for lunch. It smells good while it is cooking, if I am not reactive to the soup (I don't think I will be, because everything in the soup I have had before) and I like the taste, I plan on trying it with different vegetables, like cauliflower.

    So far, I have been ok with chicken, egg, steak, hamburger and scallops, but had a reaction to pork (but that could have been the marinade my sister cooked it in). I am going to try cooking a pork chop with no marinade and see how that does.

    Has anyone had any success with restaurants yet? I have not so far, but will keep trying my favorites, until I can find one that I can go to and not be reactive, so I can eat out once in a while. I think it will help now that I have more proteins on my list, so I have more variety to choose from, Dorene.
  • Dorene, I just tried the cream of broccoli soup for lunch today too!! I'm hoping I'm not reactive to it as well.

    I passed hamburger last night with a .4 lb. loss so that makes three friendly proteins other than nuts/vegetable protein sources. You have quite a few on your plate...yay! How long have you been on The Plan?

    I'm eager to hear of other restaurant endeavors, too. I am experiencing a bit of a withdrawal from not going out!!! :)

    Has anyone discovered that eating more of a friendly food caused it to be reactive? I noted that in the book and was wondering about that. Right now I'm trying to keep the portions a bit down (except for my chocolate)!
  • Hi everyone,

    Today is day one for me here in Atlanta. I've been getting ready for about 10 days though! Practicing having enough water, weighing, BBT, dandelion tea, probiotics, getting groceries....

    I'm interested to see what foods are reactive more than losing weight. Being out & about and getting to eat what I'm supposed to eat is my biggest concern (my schedule is so unpredictable). I know if I'm home I can do it well. It's great to have a "team" to check in with!

    Looking forward to learning from/with you all!
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    I loved the cream of broccoli soup and was not reactive to it, yea! My soup was a little spicy though, so I think I will cut the sriracha down to half a tablespoon and see how that is. I also made the Chia Pumpkin Pudding and liked that, however I find that Chia sees have a slight black pepperish taste. LOL, I learned not to chew the Chia seeds in the pudding and just swallow them and then the pumpkin pudding tasted much better.

    I love cauliflower so will make a cream of cauliflower soup next, using the same base recipe.

    I have been on The Plan since 05/24/2013. After you complete the first 20 days, Lyn recommends testing only once a week for faster weight loss, but I had so much that I was reactive to that I am testing every other day like on the first 20 days. Now that I have more protein on the friendly list, I will probably cut back on the testing so my weight loss will be quicker. Also read somewhere (lol, can't remember if it is the book or Lyn's website) that after the first 50 pounds the weight loss slows down some too.

    Yes, one night I forgot to measure the chicken and eyeballed it so I did go up a little bit, like .2.

    Good Luck MysteryBear!
  • Welcome MysteryBear!! Good for you for taking the time to think it out and plan for it!!

    Dorene, cream of broccoli worked for me too, so I was happy!! I like your idea of testing more than once a week; I'm thinking I'll do that too! Nineteen pounds in that short of time is GREAT!!! Good for you!!

    My blood sugars are rising all of a sudden, so I'm a bit bummed. I had the same breakfast (actually less than usual) and the same lunch, so it could be I'm fighting an infection or something.

    How much extra are we to drink when it's hot? it's just starting to heat up here...

    Best to all!!!
  • Hi MysteryBear! Way to be organized! Good luck on your Plan.

    Hubby and I tested cod on Sat night and both of us lost on it! Me-1lb and hubby 1.6lb.. yay! The last few days have been not very successful for me...up .2 down .2 and hubby gained a pound last night from testing potatoes. His hunch about the potatoe chips was right....I feel bad for him! :/ Anyway, my period STILL hasn't come...I'm a bit perplexed as I've been feeling bloated and pms-y for a week! (and NO I;m not pregnant! :tongue: ) So now I'm doubting my testing...maybe i'm reactive to something??? not sure. Anyway, this whole journey has been good but confusing for me! :) So I still am waiting for my period...I don't know if it's going to be very accurate as she says don't test in the 2-3 days leading up to it...but I am. Oh boy.

    I will definitely have to make that broccoli soup soon, one of these days when I'm not so grouchy and tired! Hahahaha! I'm glad you all like it...there's hope for a yummy soup for me!