mypassion12 Member


  • Unfortunately, no there is not my family members who can drive nominated me for the job. He insists on doing it himself sometimes but since he has Parkinsons it would be unsafe
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • I will try that meditation thing hopefully it will help because it is hard trying to sleep during the day since my whole family is italian which make them all bossy and loud and lately I have been getting the feeling like they basically can't do anything without me so yeah... lol I have been trying to get more exercise…
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • Like Yoga? I can try I am a clutz so I have to find something that will work with my coordination
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • I am not making excuses everyone says that's what I do when all I am doing is stating a fact and whenever I do tell him to not do something he does it anyway he is stubborn. Plus I manage on working on low sleep all I wanted to know how will it effect my weight loss goal
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • I have tried earplugs and they tend to fall out no matter how far I push them in which is weird and I have no idea why about the falling asleep thing it probably because I am ADHD and my mind will not stop racing till I have to force it to stop
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • I also have a fan but it isn't loud enough to block out noise and it even if it did my grandfather would still find a reason to come in and tell me I have to drive him every where
    in Sleep Comment by mypassion12 June 2013
  • Well I am on day one of my weight loss but so far I have done a bunch of workouts and so far I have only had 1/2 cup of blueberries and lately I have been taking a pill called Phentermine that helps me not be as hungry as much. In the first 3 weeks I lost 2 pounds. This Thursday I am going back to the doctors office to…