

  • I just jumped back in the saddle again as well after being absent for two weeks after moving. Feel free to add me!
  • Just realized my post was mistyped. I do that all the time!! Last week: 214.7* This week: 211*
  • I struggled most this week with not feeling like anything was happening. Because of this I stepped on the scale a couple days early just to reassure myself. I lost 3.7 lbs! Last week: 114.7 This week: 111
  • Hey, no worries friend! We have 96 members and if each person does 5 we'll have it! Not to mention that we've got people popping out 20 at a time! FOR ME +5 VERY VERY SHAKY KNEE BOUND PUSH UPS. Hmmm...and to think I was popping out 35 full blown toes on the floor chest to the ground pushups just a few years ago...
  • Last week: 117.2 This week: 114.7 Steady losses each week. Down 15.3 lbs from starting weight. Only 85 lbs to go!
  • Sorry it took so long for me to add. The past couple days have been crazy. My 4th was trying but I'm still down 2.3 lbs for the week! weight- 117.2 I am tracking my measurements but my husband has been measuring me and he left Saturday night for a 3 week training so I won't have measurements the next two weeks. I did…
  • "Skinny" Shake that tastes like a Wendy's frosty 3/4 cp almond milk about 15 ice cubes 1/2 tsp vanilla 2 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder 1/3 of a 7 inch banana Blend! I did the math the other day and it comes to 101 calories! Woot!
  • Doing great here! Just had to give up the skin from my KFC chicken for dinner but it really wasn't that hard. :) I've had a couple over calorie days in the past 3 weeks but going strong!
  • Definitely chocolate here too. Gonna make it a good week!
  • Thanks. :) You did great this week too! Don't get down, 7 lbs and 2 inches is great!
  • Yay! Congrats on the hips! That's my worst area. -_- Always next week for the rest. :)
  • I've always had a problem eating hand over fist. It's like breathing for me. Counting calories has always been super helpful to me and when I do need to lose weight I can usually do it 1 pound per day. When I joined the military I lost 60 pounds through January and February so I could get in.
  • Good Morning All! I love 4.5 lbs this week. Here's my numbers! Weight: 219.5 Waist 1: 38 Waist 2: 43.25 Arms: 14.75 Hips: 48 Thigh: 30
  • I started the week at 124 lbs. I'm down to 119.5 lbs. 4.5lbs lost!
  • 1. What part of your body are you most self conscience over? Butt and Thighs. Even when I was just out of boot camp at 145 I still had a bubble but and thighs! You could seriously see my bones from waist up and I exploded from there. Ugh 2. What is your worst non-health promoting habit? I struggle with water intake and…
  • I had a funny thought as I was reading her tips about eating protein alongside sugar. Anchovie covered ice cream came to mind for some reason. I must have seen it on a cartoon or something. *cue amelia bedelia* Of course I don't think they would much help. The anchovies that is. More sodium than protein and definitely too…
  • Hi there! I'm Kelli. I'm a mom of two. My son just turned 3 and my daughter is 14 weeks. I'm on here because I want to start feeling great about myself again and to set an example for my children to look up to. I am currently at 224 with my lowest ever being at 144 just out of Coast Guard boot camp. My goal weight is 130.…
    in Goals! Comment by kellilitza7 June 2013