

  • Jamie Oliver here did an awesome pizza. You can do your own toppings for it. I now make my own base and the sauce. 1 1/2 cups self raising flour 1/2 cup of water (If it's still a bit gooey, then add in more flour or vice versa if it's too dry) Then for my sauce: 1 carton of Passatta (sieved tomatoes) 1 garlic clove 4-5…
  • Sorry, didnt mean for it to post up twice!
  • Hello, i'm new to this too! Been doing it for a week and lost 3lbs so far, got around 29.5lbs to go. I tend to get to a certain weight and then nothing happens anymore. Hopefully it doesnt happen to me this time round. Good luck with your weight loss journey to yourself and others =)
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