Hi everyone!!

Well, it has been a hard, long road, so many excuses...but not anymore. I am up for the challenge for me. The better that I am the better I can be for my family right?!! So, I just wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself - Bye for now Mominaction:happy:


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hello! Good luck on your journey!
  • K3LLYSU3
    K3LLYSU3 Posts: 56 Member
    welcome to a great site. You will find it very helpful. There are ao many great people out there that are so helpful in supporting each other. Kelly
  • hils83
    Hello, i'm new to this too! Been doing it for a week and lost 3lbs so far, got around 29.5lbs to go. I tend to get to a certain weight and then nothing happens anymore. Hopefully it doesnt happen to me this time round.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey to yourself and others =)
  • hils83
    Sorry, didnt mean for it to post up twice!
  • wendysmith18
    Hi, I've been on here for 2 weeks and I love it! Everyone is so helpful and informative. I haven't lost any weight yet BUT I am happy that I am making the right choices now. No longer will I starve myself for weeks only to lose 2llbs, no is the time to eat properly, look after my body and enjoy life :)
    All the best and "Go for it!!"