llestok Member


  • Hi there, I don't know if you are still looking for people to add, I only have a couple on mine. Started a while back then well off the wagon, have to get back on the stick and lose weight. I am 48 with hypothyroidism. I have about 85 pounds to lose, did lose 10 pounds over the summer but gained 6 of it back....going to…
  • What are the quanties of each for the recipe or do you just wing it? You said a wine glass, so presume 6 ounces is the size...unless you are like me and have 12-16 oz wine glasses, lol.
  • Yep do it now....I am 47 at 217 pounds right now, should be 130 pounds (5'3")....so I have a ways to go, and don't expect to be as easy as it was in my 20s when I needed to lose only 15 pounds. I just got on here 3 days ago myself and also looking for support, friend me if you want to!