

  • I like a lot of electro/wonky pop in general but it's also good workout music! La Roux, Junior Senior, Scissor Sisters, Mika, Hot Chip... also, seconding Muse and Ke$ha! Oh and to go in another direction the song "Tightrope" by Janelle Monae is so, so good.
  • New shoes made my shin splints go away almost completely. I went to a running specialty store and after their evaluation (hopefully you did this too) I got shoes that are meant to fix my apparently-severe over-pronation. I *am* looking into trying Vibrams, though, since there are so many compelling arguments and anecdotes…
  • Completely agreeing with the above two posts, as a former cello performance major here (just graduated)! It's so easy to get stuck in thinking that you are never practicing enough, but taking just 30 minutes to work out is worth it for the energy boost and health benefits. When I was in school I didn't do anything…
  • Arms for me, too--biceps and triceps. I haven't finished 30DS yet; I've just finished day 16 but I definitely see the difference already.
  • Maybe oatmeal (not necessarily a dinner food but microwaveable), eggs (scramble and microwave), and spinach and/or arugula for salad-making?