yesImanaturalblue Member


  • Had the Mirena for a full 5 years, lost 100lbs during that time. Though, it did make me a little crazy sometimes. I noticed a change once I had it taken out. My moods calmed down quite a bit.
  • I lost a total of 110lbs from my peak weight. That was almost 2 years ago and on my previous MFP account :(. I moved from cardio to strength training, HEAVY weights, and I have seen almost all of my skin tighten up except my stomach. That is mostly because I had a bunch of kids BUT it has improved sooooooo much. My arms…
  • I had an account for a few years, had a large FL. Didn't interact with any of them but I logged everyday and kept up with my plan. Earlier this year I deactivated my account. Made a new one. I have no friends on this one. I may just be antisocial though. :wink:
  • chilly cheese fries from the Garbage Truck. They are a food truck here in LA and I would walk until my feet fell off to have some.