CariTJR Member


  • A short 2.19 miles to round off the month as per my plan of shorter and easier runs after pushing myself at Club on Mondays. I'll need to make next months goal a conservative one as I'm off on holiday on Saturday so won't be getting much running in at all next week as i'll be on the slopes in Austria skiing. :smile:
  • Well, I went for a run tonight, and i'd already told myself that if I wasn't feeling it then I could walk bits of it, after last week when I did 3 5k's in a week, and on the last one I just couldn't get it together at all, I decided to take it a bit easier this week as I think I was just trying to do a bit too much too…
  • OMG, so funny! I am sitting on the sofa right now laughing my head off going "yup, that is EXACTLY me with running!". Hahahahahaha! Brilliant.
  • Good, glad to have helped even in some small way. :smiley: It's been pretty naff here too lately, we've had the odd day, like Friday was nice, but the rest of the weekend was raining and we even had hurricane force winds over here in the UK which caused quite a bit of chaos. Roll on the Summer! Failing that we could all…
  • I find if i'm using my tablet, rather than a PC, to post messages it will only post the first few lines....very annoying.
  • Thanks Dana! I find i'm surprising myself each week right now with the running. I have no suggestions for the boredom eating, I don't know how I do it, but my work draws are full of food, but I find it really easy to ignore it - I have absolutely no idea how, even my co-workers comment on my good discipline....yeah, but…
  • ANNOYING! I've had to log an app issue with Fitbit, I now have two 'yesterdays' showing on my phone for two different days, it's like the 27/28th has got stuck as one day, and it doesn't matter what I do it won't rectify itself. Odd thing is it's not only showing as this on my phone app, but also on my tablet app, so it…
  • 4 miles tonight, my furthest continuous distance so far. Slowly moving forward.
  • Bloody flippin heck! Another post cut off! Basically I congratulated everyone on their losses, NSVs, weekend wins etc. Plus I ran 4 miles straight tonight, my best distance yet, yippee.
  • Lol! God knows what's going on with it, my app is totally stuffed now, I now have today as 'today', yesterday is showing as 'today' the day before as 'yesterday'.. ..... Its totally up the creek! Its really annoying me now. I've tried deleting the app completely, rebooting my phone, reinstalling it, but makes no…
  • 4 miles tonight at Club, that's the furthest I've ever run for continuously, and has taken me just over my goal for the month with another run yet to do. Feeling quite pleased with myself, especially after my crappy run on Friday where I barely managed 3 miles odd. Thanks for the previous advice, I tried to keep it "slow…
  • @47Jacqueline - Great picture, I'm sure we went over that bridge when we visited NY and drove upstate. Looks like a nice day. Nichole - Sounds like a very busy day, I'm sure you burned loads of cals. Hope you enjoyed your early night. I'm still having fun with my new Fitbit Surge, although it's showing different step…
  • I was thinking exactly the same. Its pointless constantly comparing youself to others, there will always be those who are faster than you (and slower!), the only person you should be judging yourself against is you. As long as you're progressing and beating your own goals, then that's all that matters, no matter how…
  • Hello everybody, I hope you're all having a great Easter weekend! Well my day started off a bit crappy, I went to put my Fitbit on charge and jump in the shower like usual, and the strap on it came away from the main body of the Fitbit, I was just about to throw a proper girly tantrum when it occured to me - good excuse to…
  • Thanks guys, I've got Club on Mondays, so what I do for that session tends to be dictated by that, I think i'll start doing the 5k route once a week, but on my 3rd run i'll just get out there and enjoy a shorter route, and try not to push myself too much, maybe do some intervals and see how that goes. @Amandajs232 - Big…
  • 3.28 miles yesterday, but they were difficult, don't know why, obviously just a bad day.
  • I thought i'd take advantage of the beautiful sunny weather we had here in the UK yesterday by getting out for a run, but it was awful. I managed 3.28 miles, but only just, I couldn't seem to get my foot fall and my breathing into any semblance of order, and kept having to walk for short breaks to bring my breathing back…
  • A stone is 14lb, so I've lost 25lb so far. Only another 26 to go lol
  • Well done Nichole, that is is an amazing loss in weight and inches! Don't know why it works like that, I'm the same, I have to eat breakfast when at work, but when I'm home I rarely eat until lunchtime because I just don't get hungry until then, and half the time I forget. Odd. I lost 2lb this week, nearly on target for my…
  • Shy, I found these for you :D
  • Lol! Yup. And alcohol! I need that t-shirt.
  • Sounds like a fabulous weekend you've got planned there. Rather you than me. Cooking for 11? I can barely manage for 1, hence why my OH does all the cooking lol. Mashed potatoes and gravy is my fave, it's making me hungry just thinking about it! After RC the other night we were all standing about chatting and a lady came…
  • Sounds to me like the Surge is the one then! It's my birthday soon so I think i'm going to ask everyone for vouchers so I can upgrade. Thanks for the input, it's good to get some honest feedback from someone who has one rather than just reading reviews. Here's my Fitbit url - Hope to see…
  • And just remember this over the weekend everyone -
  • I currently have the Charge, but I like the idea of in built GPS that the Surge has, although as someone pointed out to me, the new Blaze uses your phones GPS, so if you carry a phone while running then it does the same thing basically. Decisions decisions....
  • Unfortunately yes. They are delightful, and very difficult to resist! Those little cake bars are the worst, they come in a 6 pack, and quite frankly if I had no will power at all i'd eat the whole damn box. Luckily for me, my OH also finds them hard to resist, so he usually manages to eat most of them before I even get a…
  • I want the Surge! I've just been reading up on the differences between the Surge and the new Blaze, i'm a bit undecided. How are you finding it? Could do with some honest input to help with my decision. Do you find it too bulky? I have mine set to 10k steps a day, but I usually do around 12-13k, but I keep it at 10k for…
  • ^^ This. I use the same approach, because if I stuck rigidly to my calories each day some days when i've exercised a lot, like gone for a long run, i'd be scrabbling around in the cupboard trying to find things to eat to hit my calorie goal when i'm not even hungry, but other days (mainly weekends) i'd go over my goal…
  • So sorry to hear that Sinead, at least you found a glimmer of humour in the situation. Chin up. Welcome @nadimich93, you 'join' by jumping right in and getting amongst it. :smile: Well it's my Friday today, and it's pay day - what a double whammy of delightfulness! 4 days off work to look forward to. So I make this 'early…
  • I do both, as everyone has said they compliment each other brilliantly. We even do some yoga poses at my Running Club to stretch out after a run. A good yoga instructor will amend poses for beginners, so don't worry about not being able to do it it all perfectly to begin with, like anything it takes practice. For the…